Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 100
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Probabilities)

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Select Item Title Year Published
An introduction to probability and inductive logic / 2001
An introduction to probability theory and its applications / 1968
An introduction to probability theory and its applications / 1957
An introduction to probability theory and its applications / 1950
An introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics / 1976
Analysis of binary data 1970
Answers to even-numbered exercises: Probability and statistics for engineers 1977
Application of uncertainty analysis to ecological risks of pesticides / 2010
Cancer rates and risks / 1996
Causality : models, reasoning, and inference / 2009
Causality : models, reasoning, and inference / 2001
Clinical decision analysis 1980
CRC handbook of tables for probability and statistics / 1968
CRC handbook of tables for probability and statistics. 1966
CRC standard probability and statistics tables and formulae / 1991
Data analysis for scientists and engineers / 1975
Determining and reporting measurement uncertainties : recommended practice : RP-12 / 1994
Deterministic uncertainty analysis 1987
Discrete probability 1967
Elementary probability models and statistical inference 1970
Elementary probability theory with stochastic processes. 1974
Elements of the theory of Markov processes and their applications. 1960
Exercises in probability and statistics for mathematics undergraduates, with answers and hints on solutions 1967
Foundations of probability and statistics 1993
Fundamentals of applied probability theory 1967
Fuzzy concepts in the analysis of public health risks / 1977
Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement 1995
Guidelines for determining the probability of ignition of a released flammable mass / 2014
Handbook of probability and statistics with tables / 1970
Handbook of tables for probability and statistics. 1966
Introduction to data science : data analysis and prediction algorithms with R / 2020
Introduction to environmental statistics : (slide show) / 1978
Introduction to mathematical probability, 1937
Introduction to probability and statistics 1972
Introduction to probability and statistics 1994
Introduction to probability and statistics / 1975
Introduction to probability and statistics from a Bayesian viewpoint / 1965
Introduction to probability and statistics. 1971
Introduction to probability models / 2003
Introduction to probability models / 1997
Introduction to probability theory and its applications. 1971
Introduction to probability theory and statistical inference / 1969
Introductory probability and statistical applications 1970
Mathematics and statistics for technologists 1967
Monte Carlo methods 1965
Monte Carlo methods 1983
Nonlinear models for repeated measurement data / 1998
Philosophical theories of probability / 2000
Practical nonparametric statistics / 1971
Practical statistics for engineers and scientists / 1987
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