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Main Title 2003 Coastal Illicit Connection Identification and Elimination Grant Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Report.
Author J. Marcoux
CORP Author New Hampshire Dept. of Environmental Services, Concord.
Year Published 2004
Report Number NHEPA-R-WD-03-36
Stock Number PB2011-105608
Additional Subjects Water pollution sources ; Coastal regions ; Waste water ; Water pollution detection ; Storm sewers ; Runoff ; Water treatment ; Storm drains ; Industrial wastes ; Discharge(Water) ; Water pollution control ; Water quality ; Grants ; New Hampshire ; Pollution regulations
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2011-105608 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 10p
Abstract The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) received funds in 2003 from the New Hampshire Estuaries Project (NHEP) to administer grants to coastal municipalities to eliminate illicit discharges into their storm drainage systems. This final report describes the three projects that were funded under this grant. Projects in Dover, Somersworth, and Hampton involved eliminating sewage discharges into storm drainage systems from houses, apartment buildings, and commercial buildings. All of these efforts helped improve water quality in the coastal area by reducing pollution. NHEP chose to fund illicit discharge detection and elimination projects for a number of reasons. Primarily, this grant was established in order to fulfill several water quality action plans identified in the NHEP Management Plan.
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PUB Date Free Form Dec 2004
Category Codes 68D; 50B; 47; 43F; 91A
NTIS Prices PC A02/MF A02
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 110202080
Origin NTIS
Type CAT