Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Runoff)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"First Flush," power law and particle separation diagrams for urban storm-water suspended particulates / 2003
1976 needs survey : Cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities, summaries of technical data (Categories I-IV). 1977
1978 needs survey : continuous stormwater pollution simulation survey, users manual. 1979
1978 needs survey : cost methodology for control of combined sewer overflow and stormwater discharges / 1979
1978-1983 work plan for the nationwide urban runoff program. 1978
1996 clean water needs survey : report to Congress : assessment of needs for publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities, correction of combined sewer overflows, and management of storm water and nonpoint source pollution in the United States. 1997
2001 Coastal Illicit Connection Identification and Elimination Grant Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Report. 2003
2001 Coastal Municipal Stormwater Infrastructure Mapping Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2003
2001 Storm Drain Monitoring and Municipal Training Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2003
2002 Coastal Municipal Stormwater Infrastructure Mapping Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2003
2003 Coastal Illicit Connection Identification and Elimination Grant Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Report. 2004
2003 Coastal Municipal Stormwater Infrastructure Mapping Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2004
208 areawide water quality management planning : case histories / 1977
208 planning in Illinois for federal funding years 1977 through 1981 1982
A comparison of runoff quantity and quality from two small basins undergoing implementation of conventional and low-impact-development (LID) strategies : Cross Plains, Wisconsin, water years 1999-2005 / 2008
A Current assessment of urban best management practices : techniques for reducing non-point source pollution in the coastal zone / 1992
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
A field study to compare performance of stainless steel research monitoring wells with existing on-farm drinking water wells in measuring pesticide and nitrate concentrations / 1998
A Guide for understanding the atrazine ground and surface water risk reduction measures. 1993
A guide to federal environmental requirements for small governments / 1993
A model for estimating inputs to the Great Lakes from livestock enterprises in the Great Lakes Basin / 1978
A model for simulation of flow in singular and interconnected channels / 1981
A nonpoint source control plan for the Milwaukee River South Priority Watershed Project : the Wisconsin Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Abatement Program / 1991
A Pilot performance analysis of selected components of the National Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Program / 2003
A Probabilistic methodology for analyzing water quality effects of urban runoff on rivers and streams : final report. 1989
A reconnaissance of streamflow and fluvial sediment transport, Incline village area, Lake Tahoe, Nevada; second progress report, 1971. 1973
A Report on Stream Depletion of the San Juan River Basin in Colorado 1960
A Runoff and soil-loss monitoring technique using paired plots / 1985
A small oil spill at West Falmouth / 1979
A statistical method for assessment of urban stormwater : loads, impacts, controls / 1979
A study of the efficiency of the use of pesticides in agriculture : final report / 1975
A Tribal guide to the Section 319(h) nonpoint source grant program. 1994
A water quality model for a conjunctive surface-groundwater system / 1974
A watershed approach to urban runoff : handbook for decisionmakers / 1996
A watershed assessment primer / 1994
Abstracts for urban stormwater and combined sewer overflow impact on receiving water bodies : November 26-28, 1979. 1979
Accelerated Conservation Tillage Demonstration Program 1981-1985. 1987
Accumulation, washoff, and size distributions of stormwater particulates / 1996
Acidic Episodes and Surface Water Chemistry: A Comparison of Northeast and Southeast Study Sites. 1987
Acidic Episodes in Surface Waters in Europe. 1992
Action Conference Proceedings, Held at Denver, Colorado on August 28-29. 1973
Addendum to the 1982 needs survey : cost estimates for control of combined sewer discharge to marine bays and estuaries / 1983
Additional Information for Completing Storm Water Group Applications. 1991
Advances in modeling the management of stormwater impacts, volume 6 / 1998
Advances in modeling the management of stormwater impacts. Volume 5 / 1997
Advances in urban wet weather pollution reduction : June 28-July 1, 1998, Renaissance Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, USA / 1998
Advisory on the problem formulation phase of EPA's watershed ecological risk assessment case studies. 1997
Aerobic treatability of feedlot runoff / 1971
Aerobic Treatment of Feedlot Runoff. 1972
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