Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Leaching Models for Subsurface Pollution Assessments in Agroecosystems.
Author Hantush, M. M. ; Murray, V. ; Zhang, Z. ; Murray, V. ; Marino, M. A. ;
CORP Author National Risk Management Research Lab., Ada, OK. Subsurface Protection and Remediation Div. ;ManTech Environmental Technology, Inc., Ada, OK. ;California Univ., Berkeley. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Publisher 1999
Year Published 1999
Stock Number PB2000-101742
Additional Subjects Agricultural watersheds ; Pesticides ; Groundwater resources ; Leaching ; Subsurface flow ; Mathematical models ; Aquifers ; Agricultural chemicals ; Pesticide kinetics ; Pesticide drift ; Soils ; Root zone ; Biogeochemistry ; Soil-water-plant relationships ; Agricultural runoff ; Absorption ; Environmental transport ; Vulnerability ; Laplace transformation ; Agronomy ; Agroecosystems ; Vadose zone ; Environmental fate
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2000-101742 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 14p
In this paper, we develop mass fraction models for exposure assessment and the regulation of agricultural organic chemicals. The models are obtained by applying the method of Laplace transformation to solute fate and transport equations. The models describe the residual mass emission of pesticides below the root zone, to the water table and in aquifers, and they emphasize physical and biochemical processes responsible for the fate and transport of organic solutes in the subsurface. The potential of the use of the mass fraction models in the management of agriculture pesticides is also investigated. A combined modeling and ArcView GIS framework is used to assess soil and groundwater vulnerability to selected pesticides in an agricultural watershed in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal plain.