Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1989-90 Phoenix urban haze study final report / 1991
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) transformation/sorption in thin-disk soil columns under anaerobic conditions 1996
2-Methoxyethanol, 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy) Ethanol, 2-(2-Ethoxyethoxy)Ethanol, 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)Ethanol: Absorption through Human Skin in Vitro with Cover Letter dated 10/03/84. 1984
A computer interface for a Perkin-Elmer 5000 atomic absorption instrument / 1982
A method for the separation of oil from an aqueous oil-detergent solution prior to IR analysis. Part II. 1974
A Pocket Manual of the Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Earth's Atmosphere. 1974
A review of concentration techniques for trace chemicals in the environment. 1975
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources-nitric acid plants / 1979
A review of the physiological impact of mercurials / 1974
A spectroscopic study of California smog / 1975
A survey of air and population lead levels in selected American communities : final report / 1972
Absorption and Biokinetics of U in Rats Following an Oral Administration of Uranyl Nitrate Solution. 1987
Absorption and Excretion of Parathion by Spraymen. 1971
Absorption and scattering of light by small particles / 2004
Absorption characteristics of prolate spheroidal model of man and animals at and near resonance frequency / 1979
Absorption from the intestine. 1964
Absorption of Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide by Water Solutions, Protein Solutions, and Soils. 1966
Absorption of gold by plants / 1970
Absorption of Inhaled Reactive Gases. 1987
Absorption of Lead from Drinking Water with Varying Mineral Content. 1985
Absorption of light and ultraviolet radiation: fluorescence and phosphorescence emission : an introduction with experiments / 1973
Absorption of Microwave Radiation by the Anesthetized Rat: Electromagnetic and Thermal Hotspots in Body and Tail. 1987
Absorption of SO2 into Lime Slurries: Absorption Rates and Kinetics. 1973
Absorption of sulfur dioxide in spray column and turbulent contacting absorbers. 1975
Absorption spectra in the ultraviolet and visible region. 1959
Absorption spectrophotometry 1969
Absorption spectroscopy. 1962
Absorption, Distribution and Milk Secretion of Radionuclides by the Dairy Cow - V. Radiotungsten. 1972
Absorption, Distribution, Excretion, and Metabolism of a Single Oral Dose of o-Ethyl o-4-Nitrophenyl Phenylphosphonothioate in Hens. 1983
Acid mine drainage streambed sorption of copper, cadmium and zinc / 1990
Acidification of Rain by the Oxidation of Dissolved SO2 and the Absorption of HNO3. 1984
Acrylonitrile plant air pollution control / 1979
Acute Skin Absorption Toxicity Study in Rabbits with Methomyl. 2008
Acute Toxicity Studies in Rats and Rabbits with Cover Letter. 1982
Adaptation to Eutrophic Conditions by Lake Michigan Algae. 1973
Additional Note Regarding Measurement of the Exposure of Workers to Pesticides. 1963
Adsorption and desorption of hexachlorobiphenyl / 1983
Adsorption and desorption of hexachlorobiphenyl : A. Experimental results and discussions : B. Analysis of exchangeable and nonexchangeable components / 1983
Adsorption isotherms for divalent metal ions on brown stock wood pulp 1999
Adsorption of energy-related organic pollutants : a literature review / 1979
Adsorption of metals by geomedia : variables, mechanisms, and model applications / 1998
Adsorption technology for air and water pollution control 1991
Adsorption, movement, and biological degradation of large concentrations of selected pesticides in soils / 1980
Adsorption, surface area, and porosity 1982
Adsorption-desorption of diuron by freshwater sediments 1977
Age-Related Percutaneous Penetration of 2-sec-Butyl-4-6-Dinitrophenol (Dinoseb) in Rats. 1992
Air Conservation. Volume 10, Number 3(53), 1976. 1977
Air Conservation. Volume 8, Number 4(42) 1974. 1975
Air Monitoring by Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometry in Baytown, Texas. 1995
Air Pollution Assessment of Nitrobenzene. 1976
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