Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Sedimentation and Contaminant Criteria for Watershed Planning and Management.
Author She, Hsieh W. ;
CORP Author Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Environmental Resources Center.
Year Published 1972
Report Number CER71-72HWS48; DI-14-01-0001-1435; OWRR-B-014-COLO; 13353,; OWRR-B-014-COLO(6)
Stock Number PB-211 665
Additional Subjects ( Forest land ; Watersheds) ; ( Watersheds ; Management planning) ; Sediments ; Vegetation ; Open channel flow ; Cutting ; Erosion control ; Surface water runoff ; River basins ; Rainfall ; Roughness ; Mathematical models ; Stochastic processes ; Regression analysis ; Forest management
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-211 665 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 185p
A model to estimate the resistance of flow due to various combinations of tall vegetation (such as trees) on the order of flow depths is given. An empirical curve by regression to estimate the flow resistance with large rigid roughness (short vegetation such as grasses) in the order of normal boundary roughness is developed. The relative effect of various combinations of tall vegetation on the reduction of sediment yields based on the reduction of flow rates is studied. This should be rather useful in determining the relative effect on sediment yields by clear cutting and other selective cutting of forest lumber. (Author)