Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Forest management)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1979 review of the literature on forest management practices and water quality management / 1980
1980 review of the literature on forest management practices, hydrology, and water quality protection and management. 1981
1983 review of the literature on forest management practices, hydrology, and water quality protection and management / 1986
1984 review of the literature on forest management practices, hydrology, and water quality protection and management / 1986
1997 revised forest plan : Targhee National Forest. 1997
2000 RPA assessment of forest and range lands. 2001
A case study assessing opportunity costs and ecological benefits of streamside management zones and logging systems for eastern hardwood forests / 2006
A century of forest and wildland watershed lessons / 2004
A comparison of tree stem taper models for use in Ontario / 2013
A field guide for rapid assessment of post-wildfire recovery potential in sagebrush and Pinon-Juniper ecosystems in the Great Basin : evaluating resilience to disturbance and resistance to invasive annual grasses and predicting vegetation response / 2015
A hunger for high country : one woman's journey to the wild in Yellowstone country / 2014
A review of models for estimating the effect of forestry management practices on yield and transport of materials to receiving waters / 1984
A Silvicultural guide for the tolerant hardwoods working group in Ontario / 1990
Accomodating birds in managed forests of North America : a review of bird-forestry relationships / 2001
Acidic deposition and its effects on forest productivity : a review of the present state of knowledge, research activities, and information. 1981
Acidic deposition and its effects on forest productivity a review of the present state of knowledge, research activities, and information needs : second progress report. 1983
Addendum to the draft and final environmental impact statements for the Washington State Department of Natural Resources trust lands habitat conservation plan. 2006
Aerial monitoring of silvicultural practices and their effects on water quality in the Washington Cascades / 1976
Agenda 21 : programme of action for sustainable development ; Rio Declaration on Environment and Development ; Statement of Forest Principles : the final text of agreements negotiated by governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), 3-14 June 1992, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1993
Air quality protection aspects of forestry management. 1982
Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study Data Management and Analysis System. Data Requirements Document. 1990
Alternative maps, final environmental impact statement, Willamette National Forest / 1990
Alternatives for sustainable forest management of state trust lands in Western Washington final environmental impact statement (FEIS), July 2004 {electronic resource}. 2004
Amendment 4, Huron-Manistee National Forests land and resource management plan Eastern Region, USDA Forest Service : management direction for the AuSable National Scenic River. 1988
America's vanishing rain forest : a report on federal timber management in southeast Alaska : executive summary. 1986
An analysis of Pennsylvania's forest resources / 1982
An approach to water resources evaluation of non-point silvicultural sources : (a procedural handbook) / 1980
An interagency framework for monitoring the President's Forest Ecosystem Plan / 1994
Analysis of the management situation (AMS) for the Upper Deschutes resource management plan and environmental impact statement (RMP/EIS) 2001
Annual survey of ongoing research on the impact of forest management practices on water quality and utility-1981. 1981
Annual survey of ongoing research on the impact of forest management practices on water quality and utility-1982. 1982
Annual survey of ongoing research on the impact of forest management practices on water quality and utility. 1980
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests plan 1987
Appendix F, public responses : final environmental impact statement, land and resource management plan, Monongahela National Forest. 1986
Applegate Partnership. 1992
Applications of physiological ecology to forest management / 1997
Aspen ecology and management in the Western United States / 1985
Assessing forestation opportunities for carbon sequestration in Minnesota / 2010
Assessing management effects on Pacific Northwest forest site productivity : an inventory and evaluation of research and operational sites / 2001
Assessing tropical forest lands : their suitability for sustainable uses : (proceedings of the Conference on Forest Land Assessment and Management for Sustainable Uses, June 19-28, 1979, Honolulu, Hawaii) 1981
Assessment of promising forest management practices and technologies for enhancing the conservation and sequestration of atmospheric carbon and their costs at the site level / 1991
Assessment of the forest and range land situation in the United States 1982
Balancing act : environmental issues in forestry / 1997
Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, Madison County, Montana : tobacco root vegetation management plan : final environmental impact statement. 2001
Benefits and costs of programs for forestry nonpoint pollution control in Washington and Virginia. 1994
Better data needed to determine the extent to which herbicides should be used on forest lands : report / 1981
Beyond slash and burn : building on indigenous management of Borneo's tropical rain forests / 1997
Big Levels Unit, George Washington National Forest : final environmental statement / 1974
Biological aspects of hybrid poplar cultivation on floodplains in western North America : a review / 1999
Biological assessment of the effectiveness of forestry best management practices : Okaloosa, Gadsen, Taylor and Clay Counties, sampled winter of 1996 and 1997 / 1997
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