Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Biological Associated Problems in Freshwater Environments. Their Identification, Investigation and Control.
Author Mackenthun, Kenneth M. ; Ingram., William Marcus ;
CORP Author Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Year Published 1967
Stock Number PB-210 720
Additional Subjects Ecology ; Fresh water biology ; Water pollution ; Limnology ; Algae ; Nutrients ; Lakes ; Fishes ; Aquatic plants ; Ecology ; Photosynthesis ; Aquatic animals ; Weed control ; Aquatic weeds ; Benthos ; Slime ; Culicidae ; Diptera ; Leeches ; Clams ; Industrial wastes ; Trematoda ; Dermatitis ; Herbicides ; Water pollution effects(Plants) ; Water pollution effects(Animals) ; Eutrophication ; Mayfies ; Midges ; Cercariae ; Larval trematode worm
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-210 720 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 299p
The book covers biological problems of the freshwater environment. The nature of the problems, the importance of surface water resources, the threats of pollution damage from progressive expansion in population and industrialization are discussed. An extraordinary value prevails for water resources as a recreation medium in addition to the vital domestic water supply and industrial supply functions. The procedures utilized to survey various water bodies and evaluate their changes with pollution stresses are cited in considerable detail. The aquatic environment receives human wastes and thereby becomes a potential medium for spread of infectious diseases. The indicator organism studies used for evaluation of this problem is covered. A great variety of illustrations, references and tabulated data are provided.