Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comprehensive list of Chesapeake Bay basin species 1997 / 1997
A partial bibliography of the soft shell clam, Mya arenaria L. / 1960
Abundance estimations and growth-rate comparisons for the clam Protothaca staminea from three beaches in Prince William Sound, Alaska with additional comments on size-weight relationships, harvesting and marketing / 1973
Accumulation and Depuration of No. 2 Fuel Oil by the Soft Shell Clam, 'Mya arenaria L.' 1976
Accumulation of Polychlorinated Organic Contaminants from Sediment by Three Benthic Marine Species. 1993
Accumulation, Fractionation and Release of Oil by the Intertidal Clam 'Macoma balthica'. 1980
Acute Toxicities of Cd2+, Cr+6, Hg2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+ to Estuarine Macrofauna. 1976
Acute Toxicities of Selected Heavy Metals to the Softshell Clam, 'Mya arenaria'. 1977
Advances in marine environmental research : proceedings of a symposium / 1979
Ambient toxicity testing in Chesapeake Bay : year 6 report / 1998
Ambient toxicity testing in Chesapeake Bay : year 7 report / 2000
Analytical Methodology for the Determination of Kepone (Trademark) Residues in Fish, Shellfish, and Hi-Vol Air Filters. 1977
Annotated bibliography II of the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) / 1988
Annotated bibliography of the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) / 1982
Assessment of Shellfish Populations in the Great Bay Estuary. 1997
Automotive crankcase oil : detection in a coastal wetlands environment / 1981
Benzo(a)pyrene Accumulation and Depuration in the Soft-Shell Clam ('Mya arenaria'). 1977
Bioaccumulation of contaminants in crabs and clams in Bellingham Bay / 1991
Bioavailability of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2,3,7,8-TCDF and PCBs to Marine Benthos from Passaic River Sediments. 1990
Biological Associated Problems in Freshwater Environments. Their Identification, Investigation and Control. 1967
Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems. Identification Manual No. 3. Freshwater Sphaeriacean Clams (Mollusca: Pelecypoda) of North America. 1972
Case Study on the Transmission of Infectious Hepatitis by Raw Clams - Report from Greenwich, Connecticut. 1962
Chemical contaminants in crabs and clams from Eagle Harbor, Washington state, with an emphasis on polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons / 1984
Chemical residues in fish, bivalves, crustaceans and a cephalopod from the New York-New Jersey Harbor estuary : PAHs in winter flounder and softshell clam / 1997
Chemical Responses by Marine Organisms to Stress. Stress in Hard Clams from a Polluted Estuary. 1971
Chemicals and bacteriological organisms in recreational shellfish : final report / 1988
Comparison of Aqueous and Solid-Phase Uptake for Hexachlorobenzene in the Tellinid Clam Macoma nasuta (Conrad): A Mass Balance Approach. 1990
Comprehensive List of Chesapeake Bay Basin Species. 1992
Conference on Shellfish Toxicology, 1957. 1957
Depuration Kinetics of Hexachlorobenzene in the Clam, 'Macoma nasuta'. 1990
Descriptive Evaluation of the Effects of Number 2 Fuel Oil on the Tissues of the Soft Shell Clam 'Mya arenaria L'. 1976
Determination of Lead and Cadmium in Fish and Clam Tissue by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with a Molybdenum and Lanthanum Treated Pyrolytic Graphite Atomizer. 1980
Determination of the Ventilation Rates of Interstitial and Overlying Water by the Clam Macoma nasuta. 1990
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the fish meal, salmon, bottom fish, clam, oyster, sardine, scallop, herring, and abalone segment of the canned and preserved fish and seafood processing industry point source category. 1975
Development of a methodology for use of freshwater clams as biological response system to monitor the nearshore environment of the lower Great Lakes 1988
Direct Measurement Technique for Determining Ventilation Rate in the Deposit Feeding Clam 'Macoma nasuta' (Bivalvia, Tellinaceae). 1989
Dynamics and control of the Asiatic clam in the New River, Virginia 1980
Eagle Harbor field investigation : Winslow, Washington, April - May, 1984 / 1985
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines for Seafood Processing Industry. (Fish Meal, Salmon, Bottom Fish, Clams, Oysters, Sardines, Scallops, Herring, Abalone). 1975
Effect of a Number 2 Fuel Oil and a South Louisiana Crude Oil on the Behavior of the Soft Shell Clam, Mya arenaria L. 1976
Effect of Barite (BaSO4) on Development of Estuarine Communities. 1977
Effect of Feeding by 'Yoldia limatula' on Bioturbation. 1984
Effects of chlorinated seawater on decapod crustaceans and Mulinia larvae / 1979
Effects of chlorinated seawater on decapod crustaceans and Mulinia larvae / 1979
Effects of Chlorpyrios on Macroinvertebrates in Littoral Enclosures. 1987
Effects of Elevated Ammonia Levels on the Fingernail Clam, 'Musculium transversum', in Outdoor Experimental Streams. 1987
Effects of experimental oiling on recovery of Strait of Juan de Fuca intertidal habitats : final report / 1981
Effects of ocean disposal activities on mid-continental shelf environment of Delaware and Maryland / 1974
Effects of ocean dumping activity, mid-Atlantic bight, 1976 : interim report / 1977
Efficiency of Uptake of Hexachlorobenzene from Water by the Tellinid Clam, 'Macoma nasuta'. 1988
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