Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Microdosimetry and Cellular Radiation Effects of Radon Progency in Human Bronchial Airways.
Author Hofmann, W. ; Noesterer, M. ; Menache, M. G. ; Crawford-Brown, D. J. ; Caswell, R. S. ;
CORP Author National Inst. of Standards and Technology (PL), Gaithersburg, MD. Ionizing Radiation Div.;Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Office of Energy Research.;Health Effects Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC.
Publisher 1994
Year Published 1994
Stock Number PB95-152344
Additional Subjects Radon ; Biological radiation effects ; Microdosimetry ; Dose response relationships ; Bronchi ; Alpha particles ; Daughter products ; Radionuclide migration ; Respiration ; Radiation induced neoplasms ; Lung neoplasms ; Carcinogenesis ; Cells(Biology) ; Risk assessment ; Humans ; Reprints ; Cell damage
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB95-152344 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 5p
The microdosimetric interaction model simulates individual interactions of alpha particles with nuclei of sensitive target cells in human bronchial airway generations 2, 4, 6 and 10. For a normalized source density of Po 218 and Po 214 alpha particles, number of hits, microdosimetric spectra and related parameters for cell nuclei located at various depths in bronchial epithelium are calculated. The lineal energy spectrum is a spherical nuclear target is then converted into probabilities for cell killing, mutation and transformation by multiplying the single event chord length distribution with event specific effect probabilities per unit track length as a function of LET. These effect probabilities are finally weighted by the depth-density distributions of basal and secretory cells. The predicted transformation probability is compared with other physical indicators of lung cancer risk, such as dose, dose equivalent, biologically weighted dose, mean lineal energy, and number of alpha particle hits.