Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Cadmium in Foods: A Review of the World's Literature.
Author Drury, John S. ; Hammons, Anna S. ;
CORP Author Oak Ridge National Lab., TN.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Toxic Substances.;Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Year Published 1979
Report Number ORNL/EIS-149; W-7405-eng-26; EPA/560/2-78/007;
Stock Number PB-293 826
Additional Subjects Cadmium ; Food contamination ; Toxicology ; Metals ; Reviews ; Diets ; Concentration(Composition) ; Food processing ; Statistical data ; Estimates ; Consumption ; Toxic substances ; Analytical methods ; Bioaccumulation
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-293 826 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 307p
The study tabulated detailed information for most of the original measurements of cadmium in foods published since 1940 and summarizes estimates of dietary intake of cadmium in the United States and foreign countries. Cadmium concentrations are indicated for about 1500 individual foods listed alphabetically and by decreasing concentration within typical food categories. Separate compilations are provided for foods originating in contaminated and uncontaminated areas and for domestic and foreign products. Most foods contained low concentrations of cadmium, generally less than 0.050 mg/kg, wet weight. Concentrations of cadmium were greatest in shellfish, leafy vegetables, potatoes, grain and cereal products, and selected animal organs, particularly kidneys and liver. Based on the tabulated data, the average daily U.S. dietary intake appears to lie within the range 30 to 50 micrograms. This estimate is 42% to 88% of the total tolerable limit of 400 to 500 micrograms per week recommended by the World Health Organization, and leaves little room for intake from other environmental or occupational sources.