Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Application guide for Hydrologic Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) /
Author Donigian, Jr., A. S. ; Imhoff, J. C. ; Bicknell, B. R. ; Kittle, Jr, J. L
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Donigian, Anthony S.
CORP Author Anderson-Nichols and Co., Inc., Palo Alto, CA.;Environmental Research Lab., Athens, GA.
Publisher Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Year Published 1984
Report Number EPA-600/3-84-065; EPA-68-01-6207
Stock Number PB84-215763
OCLC Number 11190145
Subjects Hydrological forecasting ; Hydrology--United States--Data processing ; Hydrology--Data processing
Additional Subjects Hydrology ; Water pollution ; Fortran ; Soils ; Streams ; Reservoirs ; Runoff ; Models ; Computer programs ; Pesticides ; Meteorological data ; Land use ; Time series analysis ; HSPF computer program
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EHAM  GB845.A67 1984 Region 1 Library/Boston,MA 04/29/2016
EJBD  EPA 600-3-84-065 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 07/22/2010
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 600-3-84-065 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
ELBD  EPA 600-3-84-065 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 09/16/2016
ESAD  EPA 600-3-84-065 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 03/23/2010
NTIS  PB84-215763 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 177 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm
The Hydrological Simulation Program - FORTRAN (HSPF) is a set of computer codes that can simulate the hydrologic and associated water quality processes on pervious and impervious land surfaces, in the soil profile, and in streams and well-mixed impoundments. This document describes the entire application process of HSPF to demonstrate the decisions, procedures, and results that are involved in a typical application. The document is intended as a supplement to the existing HSPF user's manual and programmer's supplement. Together these three documents provide sufficient guidance for the full and intelligent use of the broad range of capabilities of HSPF.
"Anderson-Nichols and Co., Resources Technology Division." Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche. "June 1984." Includes bibliographical references (pages 138-139). "EPA-600/3-84-065." "Contract no. 68-01-6207."