Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Overview of Development in Continuous Emissions Monitoring for Mixed Waste Treatment.
Author Haas, W. J. ; Burns, D. B. ; French, N. B. ; Hutchins, D. A. ; Lemieux, P. M. ;
CORP Author Ames Lab., IA. ;Westinghouse Savannah River Co., Aiken, SC. ;Sky (Plus), Oakland, CA.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Air Pollution Prevention and Control Div.;Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN.
Publisher 1998
Year Published 1998
Report Number EPA/600/A-98/036;
Stock Number PB98-135858
Additional Subjects Waste treatment ; Incineration ; Vitrification ; Air pollution monitoring ; Continuous sampling ; Particulates ; Mercury(Metals) ; Metals ; Dioxins ; Furans ; Radioisotopes ; Low-level radioactive wastes ; Alpha-bearing wastes ; Emissions ; Air pollution control ; Heat treatment ; Regulations ; Mixed wastes ; Thermal treatment
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB98-135858 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 14p
The paper gives overviews of both the developing and envisioned regulatory and stakeholder situation with respect to continuous emissions monitors (CEMs) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) waste treatment, and the status of currently available and emerging CEMs for particulate matter, mercury, multimetals, dioxins/furans, and radionuclides. It provides technical descriptions of the technologies and performance information based on recent tests conducted under the auspices of the Mixed Waste Focus Area (MWFA), the Characterization, Monitoring and Sensor Technology Crosscutting Program (CMST-CP), and the U.S. EPA. It also identifies CEM technology developers and describes the status and prospects of CEM development activities. The primary goal is to acquaint potential CEM users with the availability and performance of CEMs for support of DOE waste treatment operations. A secondary goal is to stimulate thinking among both CEM developers and potential users on how to implement continuous monitoring, perhaps in combination with non-intrusive feed stream characterization and improved air pollution control, to help ensure safe and affordable treatment, proper performance, and public acceptance of thermal treatment facilities.