Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Pollution Effects of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastes in Puget Sound. A Report on Studies Conducted by the Washington State Enforcement Project.
CORP Author Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Portland, Oreg. Northwest Region.
Year Published 1967
Stock Number PB-216 545
Additional Subjects ( Puget Sound ; Water pollution) ; ( Washington(State) ; Water pollution) ; ( Paper industry ; Water pollution) ; Toxicity ; Water pollution effects(Plants) ; Water pollution effects(Animals) ; Water quality data
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-216 545 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 486p
The seven pulp and paper mills considered in the report discharge large quantities of process wastes into estuarine waters in four areas of Puget Sound. Greatest concern is the toxic effects of pulping wastes on marine life. Sludge deposits formed by settled waste solids are commonly found in the vicinity of waste discharge. These are usually anaerobic and produce toxic and odorous gases. There is the problem of aesthetic impairment of water quality by colored, odorous, and turbid mill wastes. The document studies in detail the following areas: Everett Harbor and Port Gardner; Guemes Channel, Padilla Bay in the vicinity of Anacortes; Whatcom Waterway at Bellingham; Port Angeles area.