Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1978 TAPPI Environmental Conference, April 12-14, Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C. 1978
1979 atmospheric quality improvement literature review / 1980
1979 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1980
1980 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1981
1982 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1983
1983 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1984
1985 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management / 1986
1986 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1987
1988-1989 review of the literature on pulp and paper effluent management. 1990
1990 Environmental Conference Westin Seattle, Seattle, WA, April 9-11. 1990
1990 Pulping Conference : Sheraton Centre, Toronto, Ontario, October 14-17. 1990
1990 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management. 1991
1991 Environmental Conference : Hilton Palacio Del Rio/San Antonio Convention Center, San Antonio, TX, April 7-10. 1991
1992 Environmental Conference : Richmond Marriott/Richmond Centre, Richmond, VA, April 12-15. 1992
1994 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management. 1995
1995 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management. 1996
1996 International Environmental Conference : partners in global stewardship : Sheraton Dolphin, Orlando, FL, May 5-8 : proceedings. 1996
1996 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management. 1997
1997 Environmental Conference & Exhibit : May 5-7, 1997, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN. 1997
1998 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management / 1999
1999 proceedings : TAPPI International Environmental Conference, April 18-21, 1999, Nashville, Tennessee, Opryland Hotel. 1999
1999 review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management 2000
2000 International Environmental Conference & Exhibit : May 6-10, 2000, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO : setting the environmental course for the 21st century / 2000
A field-scale study of the use of paper industry sludges in landfill cover systems : final report / 1997
A Field-scale study of the use of paper industry sludges in landfill cover systems : first progress report. 1990
A laboratory investigation of an iodometric method for determining chlorine and chlorine dioxide in pulp and paper industry workplace atmospheres. 0
A Survey of PCB in wastewater from paper recycling operations / 1978
A Survey of pulp and paper industry environmental protection expenditures : 1982. 1983
A survey of pulp and paper industry environmental protection expenditures, 1997 / 1998
A test method for volatile component stripping of waste water / 1975
A Toxicity evaluation of lower Fox River water and sediments / 1986
Abstracts to presentations at the 1989 West Coast Regional Meeting : Red Lion Motor Inn, Jantzen Beach, Portland, Oregon, October 3-4, 1989. 1989
Accidental release audit International Paper Company, Androscoggin Mill, Jay, Maine, April 20-27, 1988 / 1988
Accidental release audit International Paper Company, Androscoggin Mill, Jay, Maine, April 20-27, 1988 / 1988
Activated Carbon Treatment of Kraft Bleaching Effluents. 1977
Activated carbon treatment of unbleached kraft effluent for reuse / 1975
Advanced filtration of pulp mill wastes / 1979
Aerial Photographic Tracing of Pulp Mill Effluent in Marine Waters. 1970
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume VII. Measurements of Dispersal and Concentration, Identification, and Sanitary Evaluation of Various Air Pollutants, with Special Reference to the Environs of Electric Power Plants and Ferrous Metallurgical Plants. 1971
Air emissions species manual / 1988
Air Pollution and the Kraft Pulping Industry. An Annotated Bibliography. 1963
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: pulp and paper industry : a bibliography with abstracts. 1973
Air pollution aspects of hydrogen sulfide / 1969
Air Pollution Aspects of Odorous Compounds. 1969
Air pollution control active research grants for fiscal year ... 0
Air Pollution Control Technology and Costs in Nine Selected Areas. 1972
Ambient exposures to recombinant microorganisms intentionally released to municipal and pulp and paper industry wastewaters : draft final report / 1987
Amendments to the effluent limitations guidelines, pretreatment standards, and new source performance standards for the bleached papergrade kraft and soda subcategory of the pulp, paper, and paperboard point source category : Part 430; proposed rule. 1997
An electrostatic precipitator systems study : final report to the National Air Pollution Control Administration, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1970
An evaluation of emission factors for waste-to-energy systems / 1980
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