Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Sensitivity of Groundwater Flow Models to Vertical Variability of Aquifer Constants.
Author DeVrie, Richard N. ; Ken, Douglas C. ;
CORP Author Oklahoma Water Resources Research Inst., Stillwater.
Year Published 1972
Report Number OWRR-A-038-OKLA; 04065,; A-038-OKLA(1)
Stock Number PB-214 205
Additional Subjects ( Ground water ; Base flow) ; ( Aquifers ; Mathematical models) ; Hydrogeology ; Management planning ; Water table ; Permeability ; Model tests ; Lithology ; Dewatering ; Computer programs ; Thickness ; Oklahoma ; Ogallala Formation
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-214 205 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 60p
The Ogallala aquifer in the Oklahoma Panhandle is in need of better management because of increased groundwater demand which has caused declines in static water levels at an alarming rate. A groundwater management computer model developed for the Ogallala aquifer in the Texas Panhandle treats the aquifer as a homogeneous system. In this study, the computer model has been modified in order to evaluate the effect of vertical layering on semi-static water level changes which occur during the dewatering of a single unconfined aquifer. The modified model was applied to a study area near Guymon, Oklahoma, using both the homogeneous and the multi-layered cases. The aquifer is characterized by a saturated thickness of 400 feet. (Author)