Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
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Select Item Title Year Published
A laboratory method to determine the retention of liquids on the surface of hands / 1992
Accumulation of Sediment in Three Mississippi Reservoirs. 1973
Activated Sludge Quality and Process Balance. 1995
Aluminizing of the 7.01-M Collimating Mirror for the JPL 7.62-M Space Simulator. 1971
Analysis of Dispersion in a Stratified Aquifer. 1984
Biological treatment of leachate from a superfund site / 1989
Comparison of Breaking Strength and Shell Thickness as Evaluators of Eggshell Quality. 1988
Design and Performance of Single-Well Tracer Tests at the Mobile Site. 1985
Detection of Oil in Sewers. 1976
Dieldrin and DDT: Effects on Sparrow Hawk Eggshells and Reproduction. 1969
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Northeastern United States. Volume I, Sampling / 1987
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Design Information Report: Consideration of First-Stage Organic Overloading in Rotating Biological Contactor Design. 1985
Evaluation of mathematical models for temperature prediction in deep reservoirs / 1975
Examination of Scale-Dependent Dispersion Coefficients. 1983
Factors controlling minimum soil liner thickness / 1991
Geohydraulics at the Unconformity Between Bedrock and Alluvial Aquifers. 1972
Geology, Hydrology, and Geophysics of Columbia Sediments in the Middletown-Odessa Area, Delaware. 1970
Hydrology of Limestone Terranes: Photogeologic Investigations. 1970
In-Place Burning of Prudhoe Bay Oil in Broken Ice. 1984
Investigation of surface films : Chesapeake Bay entrance / 1974
Late-Glacial and Postglacial Sedimentation in Lake Superior Based on Seismic-Reflection Profiles. 1980
Measurement of thickness. 1958
Performance, Analysis and Simulation of a Two-Well Tracer Test at the Mobile Site. 1986
Photoacoustic Observation of Thermal Wave Interference Effects in Thin Samples. 1981
Pilot testing program for protocols for lead-based paint encapsulants / 1995
Procedures for modeling flow through clay liners to determine required liner thickness. 1984
Procedures for modeling flow through clay liners to determine required liner thickness. 1984
Prototype Computer-Interactive Goundwater Monitoring Methodology: An Example for Sedimentation Ponds. 1983
Quality Assurance and Quality Control Practices for Rehabilitation of Sewer and Water Mains. 2011
Report to Congress: Municipal Wastewater Lagoon Study. Volume 2. 1987
Sedimentation in St. Louis Bay, Mississippi. 1971
Selective withdrawal from a stratified reservoir / 1970
Sensitivity of Groundwater Flow Models to Vertical Variability of Aquifer Constants. 1972
Settlement and cover subsidence of hazardous waste landfills : final report / 1985
Settlement and cover subsidence of hazardous waste landfills : final report / 1982
Simplified Analysis of Two-Well Tracer Tests in Stratified Aquifers. 1986
Some Seismic Measurements on the Virginia Coastal Plain. An Evaluation STUDY. 1971
Some Seismic Measurements on The Virginia Costal Plain. 1972
Tank corrosion study 1988
The construction, technical evaluation, and frictional determination of an aluminum storm sewer system / 1978
Three Radiometric Data Analysis Techniques for Measuring Air Temperature Profiles. 1970
Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds in Waste Gases Using a Trickling Biofilter System: A Modeling Approach. 1993
User's manual for the instream sediment-contaminant transport model SERATRA / 1982
Utilizing a Chirp Sonar to Accurately Characterize Newly Deposited Material at the Calcasieu Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site, Louisiana. 1992

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