Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Meatpacking Wastewater Treatment by Spray Runoff Irrigation.
Author Witherow, Jack L. ; Rowe., Mickey L. ;
CORP Author Pacific Northwest Environmental Research Lab., Corvallis, Oreg. Industrial Wastes Branch.
Year Published 1975
Report Number Working Paper-15;
Stock Number PB-257 292
Additional Subjects Industrial waste treatment ; Irrigation ; Runoff ; Meat ; Food processing ; Packaging ; Slopes ; Vegetation ; Waste water reuse ; Odors ; Insects ; Drift ; Freezing ; Precipitation(Meteorology) ; Sewage irrigation ; Overland flow
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-257 292 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 37p
Spray runoff irrigation is a treatment process in which wastewater is applied to sloping, plant covered land. The process yields a treated effluent which is collected on the toe of the slope for discharge. The process is also referred to as an overland flow system or a living filter. Utilization of the system is dependent upon such variables as available land, soil type, topography, climate, location, and wastewater characteristics. While spray runoff irrigation has many advantages, there are inherent problems to be overcome. Solids and grease in the waste water may build up deposits under the spray pattern and result in anaerobic conditions. The potential for odors, insects, and aerosol drift restricts locating this treatment process near residential areas. Precipitation and freezing temperatures limit wastewater application. This report presents a study on a pilot scale spray runoff irrigation system. The objectives of the study were: (1) to determine if the system would sufficiently treat meatpacking wastewaters to meet national discharge limitations, (2) to ascertain whether a goal of 80 percent removal of both total nitrogen and phosphorus could be achieved to meet future environmental needs, and (3) to establish the economic feasibility of the system.