Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Final report of the Riparian Forest Buffer Panel /
CORP Author Riparian Forest Buffer Pane.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region III,
Year Published 1996
Report Number EPA/903/R-96/015; CBP/TRS-158/96
Stock Number PB97-133524
Subjects Riparian forests--Chesapeake Bay (Md and Va) ; Chesapeake Bay Watershed ; Water quality management--Chesapeake Bay Watershed ; Natural resources--Chesapeake Bay Watershed ; Atlantic Ocean--Chesapeake Bay ; United States--Chesapeake Bay Watershed ; Water quality management--Chesapeake Bay Watershed (Md and Va) ; Natural resources--Chesapeake Bay Watershed (Md and Va)
Additional Subjects Riparian land ; Forest land ; Chesapeake Bay ; Water quality management ; Environment management ; Watershed management ; Natural resource conservation ; Land use ; Land management ; Land development ; Forest management ; Farm land ; Buffers ; Riparian plants ; Riparian rights ; Environmental policies ; Environmental issues ; Public-private partnerships
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NTIS  PB97-133524 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 11 pages ; 28 cm.
The Chesapeake Executive Council adopted Directive 94-1 which called upon the Chesapeake Bay Program to develop a set of goals and actions to increase the focus on riparian stewardship and enhance efforts to conserve and restore riparian forest buffers. The Council appointed a panel to recommend a set of policies, recommend an accepted definition of forest buffers, and suggest quantifiable goals. The Panel was a diverse group of thirty-one members, comprised of federal, state, and local government representatives, scientists, land managers, citizens, and farming, development, forest industry, and environmental interests. This report contains our principal findings and recommendations.
"October 1996." "Printed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the Chesapeake Bay Program"--Page 2 of cover. "EPA 903-R-96-015." Microfiche.