Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Detection of Chemically Induced Aneuploidy by the 'Vicia faba' Root Tip Assay (Journal Version).
Author Acedo, G. N. ; Sandhu, S. S. ;
CORP Author Environmental Health Research and Testing, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC.;Health Effects Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC.
Publisher c1988
Year Published 1988
Report Number EPA-68-02-4456;
Stock Number PB89-109649
Additional Subjects Toxicity ; Lithium chloride ; Cyclophosphamide ; Sodium azides ; Chromosome abnormalities ; Fluorine organic compounds ; Chlorine organic compounds ; Nitrogen organic compounds ; Reprints ; Aneuploidy ; Cytogenetics ; Fluorophenylalanines ; Griseofulvin ; Maleic hydrazide ; Pyridazinedime/dihydro ; Phenyl alamine/p-fluoro ; Spiro benzfuran cyclohexenedime/chloro-methyl-trimethoxy ; Roots ; Vicia faba ; CAS 60-17-3 ; CAS 126-07-8 ; CAS 123-33-1 ; CAS 7447-41-8 ; CAS 50-18-0
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB89-109649 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 13p
Six chemicals selected for their ability to induce aneuploidy in short-term mammalian bioassays were tested for their aneuploidy-inducing potential in the Vicia faba root tip assay system. Para-fluorophenylalanine, griseofulvin, maleic hydrazide, lithium chloride, and cyclophosphamide all induced significant levels of hyperdiploidy in V. faba root tip cells. Lithium chloride and sodium azide were negative for hyperdiploidy induction. In addition to the numerical loss or gain in chromosome number, the chemicals induced other specific chromosomal effects, possibly indicating different mechanisms by which these chemicals bring about genomic imbalance. Judging from the low effective aneuploidy-inducing dose of each chemical, the V. faba root tip assay system is a sensitive and promising tool for evaluating the potential of chemicals to induce aneuploidy.