Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Microbial Degradation of Flurtamone in Three Georgia Soils.
Author Mueller, T. C. ; Banks, P. A. ; Steen, W. C. ;
CORP Author Environmental Research Lab., Athens, GA. ;Georgia Univ., Athens.
Publisher c1991
Year Published 1991
Report Number EPA/600/J-91/222;
Stock Number PB92-101682
Additional Subjects Microbial degradation ; Soil microbiology ; Land pollution ; Herbicides ; Georgia ; Soil types ; Soil chemistry ; Reaction kinetics ; Environmental persistence ; Furans ; Biochemistry ; Reprints ; Flurtamone ; Furanone/(methylamino)-phenyl-((trifluoromethyl)phenyl)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB92-101682 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 7p
Degradation of flurtamone in a Greenville sandy loam, a Cecil loam, and a Dothan loamy sand with 0, 1, or 2 years of previous flurtamone field use was evaluated under controlled conditions. Soil sterilization by autoclaving significantly reduced flurtamone dissipation rate in all soils. Enhanced degradation of flurtamone was observed in a Greenville sandy clay loam after 1 year of previous flurtamone field use and in a Cecil loam after 2 years of previous flurtamone field use. No enhancement of flurtamone degradation was observed in a Dothan loamy sand. Flurtamone degradation kinetics in these studies was described as a first-order process. Microbial populations in each soil showed no major changes in total bacterial numbers due to preexposure to flurtamone in the field.