Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Case of Chronic Beryllium Intoxication: Pathogenic Considerations and Diagnostic Value of the 'Patch-Test' (A Propos d'un cas d'Intoxication Chronique au Beryllium: Considerations Pathogeniques et Valeur du 'Patch-Test' pour le Diagnostic).
Author Groentenbriel., C. ;
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Translation Services Section.
Year Published 1970
Report Number EPA-TR-73-332;
Stock Number PB-253 029-T
Additional Subjects Toxicity ; Beryllium oxides ; Hazardous materials ; Berylliosis ; Permissible dosage ; Diagnosis ; Pathology ; Toxicology ; France ; Translations ; Industrial medicine ; Experimental data ; Sarcoidosis ; Beryllium inorganic compounds ; Carcinogens ; Immunology ; Respiratory diseases ; Occupational diseases ; Patch tests ; Occupational safety and health ; Toxic hazards ; Maximum permissible exposure
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-253 029-T Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 16p
The authors report a case of chronic beryllium intoxication in a forty-year-old technician who had fifteen years previously been exposed to the inhalation of beryllium oxide used in fluorescent tubes. The diagnosis was based upon the history, the radiological appearance and a positive patchtest with beryllium fluoride. Recent literature reports emphasize the great similitude of chronic beryllium intoxication and sarcoidosis, and support the hypothesis that tissue reactions induced by beryllium compounds are immunological reactions of the delayed type. A carcinogenetic effect of beryllium in several animal species is also described.