Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title EMAP-Virginian province, four year assessment 1990-1993 /
Author Paul, John F. ; Gentile, J. H. ; Scott, K. J. ; Schimmel, S. C. ; Campbell, D. E. ; Paul, J. F.
CORP Author Science Applications, Inc., Newport, RI. ;Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Miami, FL.;National Health and Environmental Effects Research Lab., Narragansett, RI. Atlantic Ecology Div.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Atlantic Ecology Division,
Year Published 1999
Report Number EPA/620/R-99/004; EPA-68-01-0005; NHEERL-NAR-1837; PB2000102926
Stock Number PB2000-102926
OCLC Number 43266673
Subjects Environmental monitoring--Atlantic Coast (US)--Quality control ; Estuarine pollution--Atlantic Coast (US)--Measurement--Quality control ; Environmental monitoring--Quality control ; United States--Atlantic Coast
Additional Subjects Biogeography ; Environmental impacts ; Water pollution effects ; Chesapeake Bay ; Delaware Bay ; Long Island Sound ; Estuaries ; Watersheds ; Aquatic habitats ; Bioindicators ; Ecosystems ; Sampling ; Toxicity ; Sediments ; Regional analysis ; Virginian Province ; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program ; EMAP(Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program) ; Middle Atlantic Region(United States)
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJAD  EPA 620/R-99-004 2 copies Region 3 Library/Philadelphia, PA 11/07/2011
EJBD  EPA 620/R-99/004 c.1-2 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 01/24/2014
EJDD  EPA/620/R-99/004 Env Science Center Library/Ft Meade,MD 02/11/2000
EJED  EPA/620/R-99/004 OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC 01/26/2001
EKCD  EPA/620/R-99/004 CEMM/GEMMD Library/Gulf Breeze,FL 11/20/2018
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 620/R-99/004 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
ESAD  EPA 620-R-99-004 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 01/14/2000
NTIS  PB2000-102926 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation xii, 119 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
Assessments with the four years (190-93) of ecological condition data collected by the USEPA Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) in estuaries of the Virginian Biogeographic Province (Cape Henry to Cape Cod) were presented. EMAP data were used to quantify, with confidence, the condition of ecological resources within the broad-expanse of estuarine waters comprising the Virginian Province, as well as its large and small estuarine systems and five major tidal rivers. Over the four-year period, sufficient sampling sites were available to characterize the condition of ecological resources for four major watershed systems within the province (Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, Hudson-Raritan system, and Rappahannock, and James Rivers). Results clearly showed that the EMAP objectives were not only reasonable but were achievable with available indicators collected with a probability-based sampling design. It was shown that the EMAP design can be used to quantify with confidence the condition of ecological resources.
"Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program"--Cover. "October 1999." Includes bibliographical references (pages 85-96).