Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Airborne asbestos levels in schools / 1983
Application of a Hazard Assessment Research Strategy to the Ocean Disposal of a Dredged Material: Exposure Assessment Component. 1984
Application of a Hazard-Assessment Research Strategy for Waste Disposal at 106-Mile Ocean Disposal Site (Chapter 14). 1989
Biological risk assessment framework for examining the impacts of oceanic disposal. {microfiche}. 1991
Capstone report on the application, monitoring, and performance of permeable reactive barriers for ground-water remediation : volume 2, long term monitoring of PRBs : soil and ground water sampling / 2003
Characterization and modeling of chlorine decay in distribution systems 1996
Chemical composition of surficial sediment in Geneva Lake, Wisconsin. 2000
Comets and the Origin and Evolution of Life [electronic resource] / 2006
Contaminant Loading from Fox River to Lower Green Bay. 1989
Convective-Dispersive Transport Model for Wastes Disposed of at the 106-Mile Ocean Disposal Site. (Chapter 5). 1990
DDT in the Diet of the Rat: Its Effect on DDT Storage, Liver Function and Cell Morphology. 1956
Development of a wasteload allocation model for the Pigeon River between Canton and Hepco, North Carolina : volume I -- text / 1989
Dictionary of environmental science and engineering / 1996
Dredged Material Plume Dispersal in Central Long Island Sound. 1989
Ecological Status and Trends Program: EPA's Approach to Monitoring Condition of the Nation's Ecosystems. 1989
EMAP-estuaries Virginian Province 1990 demonstration project report / 1992
EMAP-Virginian province, four year assessment 1990-1993 / 1999
Environmental characterization of disposal of waste oils by combustion in small commercial boilers / 1984
EPA's environmental monitoring and assessment program : an ecological status and trends program / 1991
EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: An Ecological Status and Trends Program. 1991
EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Availability of Broad-Scale Environmental Data and Opportunities for Use in Environmental Modeling Applications. 1994
Estuarine Component of the US E.P.A.'s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. 1992
Exposure assessment component of the field verification program : overview and data presentation / 1989
Field study of the fate of arensic, lead, and zinc at the ground-water/surface-water interface / 2005
Finishing fabricated metal products with powder coating / 1997
Hazard Assessment Research Strategy for Ocean Disposal. 1989
Historical Synopsis of Great Lakes Water Quality Research and Management, and Future Directions. 1988
Impact of air pollutants on materials : a report of Panel 3: "Environmental Impact" of the NATO/CCMS pilot study on Air Pollution Control Strategies and Impact Modelling / 1982
In Situ Bioremediation of Perchlorate in Groundwater [electronic resource] / 2009
Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach to Modeling Contaminants. 1986
Land treatment of hazardous wastes 1983
Lessons Learned from Siting of Boston Harbor Sewage Outfall. 1994
Limnology and phytoplankton structure in nearshore areas of Lake Ontario, 1981 / 1985
Location of abandoned wells with geophysical methods / 1984
Mechanisms of DNA Utilization by Estuarine Microbial Populations. 1988
Nomethane organic compound monitoring program : final report 1988. Volume 2. Urban air toxics monitoring program / 1989
Nomethane organic compound monitoring program : final report 1988. Volume 2. Urban air toxics monitoring program / 1988
Numerical Model for Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Transport: Documentation of the Computer Program. 1987
Numerical Model for Three-Dimensional, Variable-Density Hydrodynamic Flows: Documentation of the Computer Program. 1987
Observations Related to the Use of the Sigma Coordinate Transformation for Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Studies. 1994
Pathologic Changes in the Liver of Rats after Feeding Low Levels of Various Insecticides. 1957
Phosphorus Removal and Plant Operation Studies at Fort Wayne, Indiana. 1973
Photochemical oxidant air pollution effects on a mixed conifer forest ecosystem : final report / 1980
Physical and hydrologic characteristics, the Oregon estuaries / 1988
Prediction of vertical transport of low-level radioactive Middlesex soil at a deep-ocean disposal site / 1986
Research Needs and Summary: Environmental Management Perspective (Chapter 16). 1994
Sampling the Oceans for Pollution: A Risk Assessment Approach to Evaluating Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal at Sea. 1986
Sediment erodibility in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island : a method of predicting sediment dynamics / 1991
Sewage sludge incinerator fuel reduction, Hartford, Connecticut / 1984
Simulation Modeling as a Means of Studying Large Aquatic Ecosystems. 1984
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