Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Alkali Scrubbing Test Facility. Phase 1: Preliminary Engineering.
CORP Author Bechtel Corp., San Francisco, Calif.
Year Published 1969
Report Number PH-22-68-67;
Stock Number PB-185 000
Additional Subjects ( Air pollution ; Chemical engineering) ; ( Sulfur compounds ; Air pollution) ; ( Coal ; Air pollution) ; ( Waste gases ; Purification) ; Dioxides ; Power plants(Establishments) ; Economics ; Bases(Chemistry) ; Design ; Specifications ; Sulfur dioxide ; Scrubbers ; Air pollution control equipment ; Flue gases ; Calcium sulfates
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-185 000 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 406p
This report summarizes the first part of a program to develop an experimental facility to test sulfur dioxide scrubbing equipment and to prepare descriptions of the proposed tests. The purpose of the work described in this report is to prepare a preliminary engineering design and cost estimate of a facility that can be used to test large-scale equipment under the variety of operational conditions that can be encountered in an actual plant. The basis of this design is the use of three parallel systems, each consisting of a different scrubber design, which will be integrated into the flue gas ductwork of an existing coal-fired boiler. Alkalinity will be supplied by injecting pulverized limestones or dolomites into the boiler. Heat from coal combustion will calcine these materials to produce calcium oxide or a combination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide as the active agent for neutralization of sulfur oxides. (Author)