Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Waste minimization)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"KEMAFIL" process for manufacturing filling and sealing ropes out of cut-off margins resulting from the manufacture of textile and synthetic face materials 1985
1993 Reference guide to pollution prevention resources / 1993
20th Annual RREL Research Symposium : abstract proceedings / 1994
21st annual RREL research symposium : abstract proceedings / 1995
50 ways to make your world a better place / 1990
A guide to a healthier home environment : how you can prevent pollution in your home / 1996
A guide to pollution prevention planning : meeting the requirements of the Waste Reduction Policy Act, save money, reduce risks, and eliminate waste / 2004
A method of manure disposal for a beef packing operation : first interim technical report / 1977
A Primer for financial analysis of pollution prevention projects / 1993
Abstracts of pollution prevention case study sources / 1994
Achievements in source reduction and recycling for ten industries in the United States / 1991
Advancing Environmental Justice Through Pollution Prevention: A Report Developed from the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Meeting of December 9-13, 2002. 2003
Agent regeneration and hazardous waste minimization : the IBM Corporation - Endicott, New York Facility / 1993
AIChE Meeting Message: Waste Not, Want Not. 1979
Alkaline noncyanide zinc plating with reuse of recovered chemicals : project summary / 1994
Alkaline Noncyanide Zinc Plating with Reuse of Recovered Chemicals. 1994
Alternative technologies for making holes conductive : cleaner technologies for printed wiring board manufacturers / 1998
Alternative technologies for the minimization of hazardous waste 1990
Alternatives for measuring hazardous waste reduction 1991
Alternatives to CFC-113 used in the cleaning of electronic circuit boards 1990 MnTAP summer intern report / 1990
An automated aqueous rotary washer for the metal finishing industry / 1992
An automated aqueous rotary washer for the metal finishing industry : project summary / 1992
An ounce of prevention : the advantages of reducing waste / 1998
Anamet process for waste-water purification 1981
Ann Arbor, Michigan : 52% residential waste reduction. 1999
Apparel care and the environment : alternative technologies and labeling. 1996
Application of hollow electrodes to calcium carbide production 1982
Application to study the reduction of arsenic wastes in the electronics industry, AB685 grant program : final report / 1987
Applications of Supercritical Fluid Technology to Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization. 1995
Asia Pacific Cleaner Production Conference : international legislative trends. Held in Melbourne, Australia on February 24-27, 1992/ by James S. Bridges. 1992
Assessment of waste reduction alternatives at the Corpus Christi Army Depot electroplating shop : final report / 1986
Associated Waste Report: Completion and Workover Wastes. 2000
Associated Waste Report: Crude Oil Tank Bottoms and Oily Debris. 2000
At a Glance: Resource Recovery and the Environment. 1995
Audit and reduction manual for industrial emissions and wastes. 1991
Auditing for hazardous waste minimization--its role in California 1986
Automotive and heavy-duty engine coolant recycling by distillation : technology evaluation report / 1992
Bagni per l'Anodizzazione dell'Alluminio Senza Scarichi (Aluminium Anodizing Baths without Wastes). 1995
Be an environmentally alert consumer : the cat's out of the bag! : it's simple to reduce waste. 1990
Bellevue, Washington : 60% residential waste reduction. 1999
Benign by design : alternative synthetic design for pollution prevention / 1994
Bergen County, New Jersey : 54% municipal solid waste reduction : 49% residential solid waste reduction, 63% institutional/commercial solid waste reduction. 1999
Bergmann USA soil sediment washing technology : applications analysis report. 1995
Best management practices for pollution prevention in the slabstock and molded flexible polyurethane foam industry : manual. 1996
Bibliographic database search on innovative and emerging technologies for hazardous waste management, 1983 to present 1986
BioCycle guide to the art & science of composting 1991
Blossom Hill Estates, San Jose, California : 50% and 65% waste reduction rate. 1999
Brave green world : how science can save our planet / 2021
Briefing paper for seminar on solvent waste reduction alternatives 1988
Brushing unit replaces sodium hydroxide for paint stripping in drum reconditioning operation : case study 1993
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