Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Characterization of emissions from a fluidized-bed wood-chip home heating furnace {MICROFICHE}
Author Truesdale, R. S.
CORP Author Research Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park, NC.;Industrial Environmental Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory ;
Year Published 1984
Report Number RTI-1914-70-01F; EPA-68-02-3170; EPA-600/7-84-038
Stock Number PB84-179878
Subjects Wood chips--Virginia ; Fluidized-bed furnaces--Environmental aspects--Virginia
Additional Subjects Furances ; Wood wastes ; Fluidized bed processors ; Cyclone separators ; Air pollution control ; Particles ; Nitrogen oxides ; Stoves ; Industrial wastes ; Residential buildings ; Performance evaluation ; Substitutes ; Design criteria ; Gas chromatography ; Gas analysis ; Sampling ; Hydrocarbons ; Carbon monoxide ; Aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons ; Boilers ; Air pollution detection ; Wood fired boilers ; Baghouses ; Wood stoves
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB84-179878 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 74 p. ; 28 cm.
The report gives results of measurements of emissions from a residential wood-chip combustor, operated in both a fluidized-bed and cyclone-fired mode, and their comparison with those from a conventional woodstove and industrial wood-fired boilers. In general, the combustion efficiency of the fluidized-bed and cyclone-fired wood-chip burner is higher than that of conventional woodstoves. Concomitant with this increase in efficiency is a decrease in most emissions. For the fluidized-bed tests, significant reductions of total hydrocarbons and CO were observed, compared to woodstove emissions. The cyclone test showed PAH levels far below those of conventional woodstoves, approaching levels measured in industrial wood-fired boilers. A baghouse, installed during two fluidized-bed tests, was extremely effective in reducing both particulate and PAH emissions. Method 5 samples from above the fluid bed suggest that appreciable PAH is formed in the upper region of the furnace or in the watertube heat exchangers. In general, the cyclone-fired mode was more effective in reducing emissions from residential wood combustion than the fluidized-bed mode.
Caption title. Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche. "Mar. 1984." "EPA-600/7-84-038." Microfiche.