Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Fluidized bed processors)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A method of manure disposal for a beef packing operation : first interim technical report / 1977
Abatement of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1972
Advanced fossil fuels and the environment : an executive report. 1977
Air Conservation. Volume 11, Number 1(57), 1977. 1978
Anaerobic Treatment of a Simulated High-Strength Industrial Wastewater Containing Chlorophenols. 1994
Anaerobic-aerobic treatment process for the removal of priority pollutants 1985
Application of fluidized technology to industrial boilers / 1977
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 1 / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 2. Appendices A through C. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 3. Appendices D through E. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 4. Appendices F. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 5. Appendices G. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 6. Appendices G. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 7. Appendices I. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 8. Appendices J. / 1985
Assessment of organic contaminants in emissions from refuse-derived fuel combustion / 1985
Ceramic Filter Tests at the EPA/Exxon PFBC (Pressurized Fluidized Bed Coal Combustion) Miniplant. 1980
Characterizaiton of Particulate Emissions from Municipal Wastewater Sludge Incinerators. 1982
Characterization and control of gaseous emissions from coal-fired fluidized-bed boilers : interim report / 1970
Characterization of emissions from a fluidized-bed wood-chip home heating furnace {MICROFICHE} 1984
Characterization of Long-Term Toxic Emissions from Municipal Sludge Incineration - Project Plans and Status. 1987
Characterizaton of solid residues from fluidized-bed combustion units / 1978
Chemically Active Fluid Bed Process for Sulfur Removal during Gasification of Carbonaceous Fuels. 1987
Chemically active fluid-bed process for sulphur removal during gasification of heavy fuel oil : (third phase) / 1976
Chemically active fluid-bed process for sulphur removal during gasification of heavy fuel oil : fourth phase / 1979
Chemically active fluid-bed process for sulphur removal during gasification of heavy fuel oil : second phase / 1973
Chemically active fluid-bed process for sulphur removal during gasification of heavy fuel oil : second phase / 1974
Coal gasification/gas cleanup test facility / 1980
Coal Gasification/Gas Cleanup Test Facility: Volume II. Environmental Assessment of Operation with Devolatilized Bituminous Coal and Chilled Methanol. 1982
Colloid Flotation and Adsorbing Colloid Flotation. 1970
Combustion of oil shale in fluidized-bed combustors--an overview : final report / 1982
Continuous Emmission Monitoring at the Georgetown University Fluidized-Bed Boiler. 1981
Control of Particulate Emissions from Atmospheric Fluidized-Bed Combustion with Fabric Filters and Electrostatic Precipitators. 1981
Conversion of cattle feedlot manure to ethylene and ammonia synthesis gas / 1978
Conversion of cattle feedlot wastes to ammonia synthesis gas / 1974
CPU-400 Pilot Plant: Integration and Operation. 1981
Cyclone-Electrothermal Methods of Processing Copper and Polymetallic Materials. 1968
Cyclone-Electrothermal Methods of Processing Copper and Polymetallic Materials. 1968
Cyclone-Electrothermal Methods of Processing Copper and Polymetallic Materials: Behavior of Volatile Metals under Conditions of Cyclone Smelting of Polymetallic Sulfide Ore. 1968
Cyclone-Electrothermal Methods of Processing Copper and Polymetallic Materials: Effect of Partial Pressure of Sulfur Dioxide on the Transfer of Copper into Slag in the Copper - Slag - Sulfur Dioxide System. 1968
Design and construction of a fluidized-bed combustion sampling and analytical test rig / 1978
Destruction of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons by Catalytic Oxidation. 1986
Development of a Fluidized-Bed Technique for the Regeneration of Powdered Activated Carbon. 1970
Development of Particulate Emissions Control Techniques for Spark Ignition Engines. 1971
Development of the CO2 Acceptor Process Directed Towards Low-Sulfur Boiler Fuel. 1971
Disposal of solid residue from fluidized-bed combustion : engineering and laboratory studies / 1978
Effect of Emission Control Requirements on Fluidized-Bed Boilers for Industrial Applications: Preliminary Technical/Economic Assessment. 1981
Emissions from FBC (Fluidized-Bed Combustion) Boilers. 1978
Emissions of Metals and Organics from Municipal Sewage Sludge Incinerators under Steady State and Transient Conditions - Preliminary Results. 1988
Emissions of metals and organics from municipal wastewater sludge incinerators. : Volume 1. Summary report / 1989
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