Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Flow Visualization Experiments on Stably Stratified Flow over Ridges and Valleys.
Author Lee, J. T. ; Lawson, R. E. ; Marsh, G. L. ;
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Atmospheric Sciences Research Lab. ;Los Alamos National Lab., NM. Earth and Space Sciences Div. ;Northrop Services, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC.
Publisher c1987
Year Published 1987
Report Number EPA/600/J-87/380;
Stock Number PB89-103600
Additional Subjects Atmospheric circulation ; Topographic features ; Valleys ; Flow visualization ; Model tests ; Mathematical models ; Wind(Meteorology) ; Interactions ; Stratification ; Aerodynamics ; Reprints ; Ridges
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB89-103600 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 13p
The objective of the experiments was to define the flow over a simple cosine-shaped ridge and within a valley formed by a pair of such ridges when there is a stable ambient flow normal to the ridge. Three experimental parameters were varied during the study: the Froude number, the steepness of the ridge, and the separation distance between the ridges. The flow over single ridges was found to be similar to previously published results for isolated hills. The flow within the valley formed by a pair of ridges was dependent upon the steepness of the ridge. For the most gentle ridge, there appeared to be little aerodynamic interaction between the two ridges even at the minimum separation of S/W = 1. For the steepest ridge, there was a strong interaction between the ridges for a separation of S/W=1 to 2. For some test conditions the downstream ridge caused separation of the flow from the lee side of the upstream ridge, and the external flow passed over the entire valley. (Copyright (c) Springer-Verlag, 1987.)