Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
Showing: Items 1 - 30
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Valleys)

Select Item Title Year Published
Alluvial valley floors in east-central Montana and their relation to strippable coal reserves : reconnaissance report / 1977
Canaan Valley : a national treasure. 1992
Data Regarding Detectable Levels of the Fluorochemicals in Blood Samples Collected from Nestling Bald Eagles of the Mississippi and St. Croix River Valleys of Minnesota and Wisconsin with Fluorochemicals, Sulfonate-based and Carboxylic-based. 2009
Dense Gas Removal from a Valley by Crosswinds. 1990
Ecological condition of Western Cascades ecoregion streams : an environmental monitoring and assessment program (EMAP) report / 2004
Ecoregions of Tennessee. 1997
Evaluation of salinity created by irrigation return flows / 1974
Filled Interglacial Valleys at the South End of Cayuga Lake Near Ithaca, New York. 1972
Flow and Dispersion of Pollutants Within Two-Dimensional Valleys, 1991. 1991
Flow and Dispersion of Pollutants within Two-Dimensional Valleys. 1990
Flow and Dispersion of Pollutants within Two-Dimensional Valleys: Summary Report on Joint Soviet-American Study. 1989
Flow Visualization Experiments on Stably Stratified Flow over Ridges and Valleys. 1986
Flow Visualization Experiments on Stably Stratified Flow over Ridges and Valleys. 1987
Flow Visualization Experiments on Stably Stratified Flow over Ridges and Valleys. 1987
Hydrology of Two Interdunal Valleys in the Nebraska Sand Hills. 1998
Investigation of subaqueous borrow pits as potential sites for dredged material disposal : final report / 1977
Kanawha Valley air pollution study, 1970
Relating geomorphic factors to the size and character of the riparian zone in the Upper Arkansas River Basin, Colorado 1996
Removal of Slightly Heavy Gases from a Valley by Crosswinds. 1993
Stagnation Diffusion Observed in a Deeply Pooling Valley during STAGMAP. 1992
Stream reconnaissance handbook : geomorphological investigation and analysis of river channels / 1998
Studies of longitudinal stream profiles in Virginia and Maryland, 1957
Towing Tank Studies of Stratified Flow Over Ridges and Valleys. 1984
Trimble County Generating Station, Louisville Gas and Electric Co., Kentucky. 1978
Trimble County Generating Station, Louisville Gas and Electric Co., Kentucky. Supporting Report. Volume I. 1978
Trimble County Generating Station, Louisville Gas and Electric Co., Kentucky. Supporting Report. Volume II. 1978
Trimble County Generating Station, Louisville Gas and Electric Co., Kentucky. Technical Appendix. 1978
Valley segment type classification for forested lands of Washington / 1989
Velocity Oscillations and Plume Dispersion in a Residential Neighborhood during Wintertime Nights. 1990
WYNDvalley : an air-quality model for near-stagnant flows in constricted terrain / 1987

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