Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Annual Report of the Activities, Programs, and Goals of the Nebraska Water Resources Research Institute, Fiscal Year 1972.
Author Viessman, J, Warren ;
CORP Author Nebraska Univ., Lincoln. Water Resources Research Inst.
Year Published 1972
Report Number DI-14-31-0001-3527; OWRR-A-999-NEB; 03265,; A-999-NEB(10)
Stock Number PB-219 672
Additional Subjects ( Water resources ; Nebraska) ; ( Water quality ; Policies) ; Project planning ; Evapotranspiration ; Water rights ; Sediment transport ; Mathematical models ; Irrigation ; Micrometeorology ; Phreatophytes ; Urban areas ; Water law ; Hydrology ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-219 672 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 70p
Since 1965 twenty-nine allotment and matching grant projects have been supported by the Nebraska Water Resources Research Institute. Topics studied range from ecological impact of surface water impoundments in the Great Plains to a simulation of the effects of dynamic water pricing policies. Current research subjects include: (1) water quality with emphasis on agricultural pollution and eutrophication; (2) analysis of water resources systems with particular consideration given to conjunctive use models, hydrologic system models, ecosystem models, irrigation system models, management models and sediment transport models; (3) evaporation and transpiration with emphasis on microclimate studies, evapotranspiration models, phreatophyte studies and water potential-plant response studies; (4) water law; and (5) urban water systems. (Author Modified Abstract)