Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sediment transport)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of three flooding regimes Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana / 1978
A feasibility study of a field instrument for the measurement of suspended sediment concentration / 1969
A fluid-density gage for measuring suspended-sediment concentration / 1982
A Report on physical and chemical processes affecting the management of Perdido Bay : results of the Perdido Bay interstate project / 1991
A short-term conservative transport model for shallow estuaries / 1971
A stream systems evaluation : an emphasis on spawning habitat for salmonids / 1979
A Study of deep ocean currents near the 3800m low-level radioactive waste disposal site : May 1984 - May 1986 / 1988
A study of methods used in measurement and analysis of sediment loads in streams. Report no. 14, Determiniation of fluvial sediment discharge / 1963
A study of the dispersal of suspended sediment from the Fraser and Skagit River into northern Puget Sound using LANDSAT imagery / 1979
A summary of water-quality monitoring in San Francisco Bay in water year 2017 / 2020
Accumulation of Sediment in Three Mississippi Reservoirs. 1973
Advances in marine environmental research : proceedings of a symposium / 1979
Aggregation and Disaggregation of Fine-Grained Lake Sediments. 1988
Agricultural runoff management (ARM) model version II : refinement and testing / 1977
An analysis of the dynamics of DDT in marine sediments / 1975
An approach to water resources evaluation of non-point silvicultural sources : (a procedural handbook) / 1980
An experimental study of heavy-mineral segregation under alluvial-flow conditions / 1973
An investigation of total sediment discharge in alluvial channels / 1962
Analyses and descriptions of geochemical samples, Barbours Creek and Shawvers Run Wilderness Study Areas, Craig County, Virginia 1986
Analyses of the temporal variation of coarse bedload transport and its grain size distribution : Squaw Creek, Montana, USA / 1996
Analysis and modeling of erosion hazards and sediment delivery on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands / 1994
Analysis of ocean current meter records obtained from a 1975 deployment off the Farallon Islands, California / 1983
Analysis of the functional capabilities and performance of silt curtains 1978
Analytical and Experimental Studies of the Benthic Boundary Layer and Their Applicability to Near-Bottom Transport in Lake Erie. 1987
Annual Report of the Activities, Programs, and Goals of the Nebraska Water Resources Research Institute, Fiscal Year 1972. 1972
ANSWERS, areal nonpoint source watershed environment response simulation : user's manual / 1981
Application of a Hazard Assessment Research Strategy to the Ocean Disposal of a Dredged Material: Overview. 1989
Application of dye-tracing techniques for determining solute-transport characteristics of ground water in karst terranes / 1988
Application of the ANSWERS model in a nonpoint source program final report / 1986
Application of the Finite-Element Method for Simulation of Surface Water Transport Problems. 1972
Application of the universal soil loss equation to the estimation of nonpoint sources of pollutant loadings to the Great Lakes : a technical report to the International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities of the International Joint Commission / 1978
Appraisal of stream sedimentation in the Susquehanna River Basin / 1972
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Eatons Neck disposal site, Long Island Sound : appendix A, investigation of the hydraulic regime and the physical characteristics of bottom sedimentation, final report / 1977
Aspects of flow resistance and sediment transport, Rio Grande near Bernalillo, New Mexico / 1964
Assessment and Implementation of In-Stream Value Studies for the Northern Great Plains. 1974
Bed-load transport measurements on the Chippewa River using the ISSDOTv2 method / 2020
Benthic boundary layer : transport processes and biogeochemistry / 2001
Biogenic structure of lower Chesapeake Bay sediments : EPA Chesapeake Bay Program final report / 1982
Biogenic structure of lower Chesapeake Bay sediments : EPA Chesapeake Bay Program final report / 1980
Biological availability of sediment phosphorus inputs to the lower Great Lakes / 1984
Biological significance of fluvial processes in the lotic environment / 1978
Calculating sediment discharge from a highway construction site in central Pennsylvania / 1985
Calculation of movable bed friction factors / 1994
California OCS Phase II Monitoring Program final report : special study on sediment transport and bioturbation / 1992
Channel mapping river miles 29-62 of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, May 2009 / 2017
Channel morphology of Cottonwood Creek near Cottonwood, California, from 1940 to 1985 / 1988
Characteristics of the Oswego River plume and its influence on the nearshore environment / 1978
Characterization of spawning gravel and stream system evaluation / 1980
Characterization of suspended sediments in water from selected watersheds as related to control processes, nutrient contents, and lake eutrophication / 1974
Characterization of the Water Quality of the Lower Mississippi River. 1985
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