Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program, 1989. Volume 3. Northeastern Illinois Region.
Author Hudson., H. L. ;
CORP Author Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, Chicago.;Illinois State Environmental Protection Agency, Springfield. Div. of Water Pollution Control.
Publisher Jun 90
Year Published 1990
Report Number IEPA/WPC-90-106C;
Stock Number PB90-244260
Additional Subjects Monitoring ; Water pollution ; Lakes ; Depth ; Transparence ; Algae ; Suspended sediments ; Phosphorus ; Nitrogen ; Volunteers ; Northeastern Region(Illinois) ; Suspended solids
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB90-244260 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 129p
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency initiated the Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP) in 1981 as a result of growing public interest in lakes and the need to expand the state's data base on lake water quality. VLMP participants are trained to measure water transparency with a Secchi disc. The measurement, called the Secchi disc depth, is used to document changes in the transparency of the lake water. Typically, three sites are monitored in each lake twice per month from May through October. The volunteer also records a series of field observations such as water color, suspended sediment and algae, aquatic weeds, and weather conditions.