Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nitrogen)

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Select Item Title Year Published
15N-tracer and other laboratory studies of nitrogen remineralization in sediments and waters from Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island / 1982
"Oxides of nitrogen : a critical survey" 1974
15N Natural Abundance and (15)N Labelling Studies in Forest Ecosystems. 1994
1962-1967 summary of monthly means and maximums of pollutant concentrations : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks 1969
1965 data tabulations and summaries. 1969
1967 data tabulations and summaries : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks : Denver 1969
1967 data tabulations and summaries : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks : Philadelphia 1969
1967 data tabulations and summaries continuous air monitoring projects national air surveillance networks, Washington, D.C. 1969
1967 data tabulations and summaries, continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks, Chicago. 1969
1967 Data Tabulations and Summaries, Continuous Air Monitoring Projects, National Air Surveillance Networks, Cincinnati. 1969
1967 data tabulations and summaries, St. Louis. 1969
1968 data tabulations and summaries : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks : Denver 1969
1968 data tabulations and summaries : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks : Philadelphia 1969
1968 data tabulations and summaries : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks : St. Louis 1969
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume I. Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion. 1970
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume II. Commerce Ground Data. 1970
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume III. El Monte Ground Data. 1970
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume IV. Airborne Data ESSA Cooperative Data. 1970
1971 Annual Review of Literature. Waste Water Treatment Physical and Chemical Methods. 1972
1972 national emissions report : national emissions data system (NEDS) of the aerometric and emissions reporting system (AEROS) / 1974
1972 national emissions report : national emissions data system (NEDS) of the aerometric and emissions reporting system (AEROS). 1974
1972-73 heavy-duty engine baseline program and NOx emission standard development : technical report / 1981
1972/73 light-duty truck baseline program and NOx emission standard development / 1980
1973 national emissions report : national emissions data system (NEDS) of the aerometric and emissions reporting system (AEROS) / 1976
1974 national emissions report : national emissions data system of the aerometric and emissions reporting system / 1978
1976 national emissions report : national emissions data system of the aerometric and emissions reporting system / 1979
1977 national emissions report : national emissions data system of the aerometric and emissions reporting system / 1980
1979 EPA-Volkswagen light duty diesel correlation study : correlation report / 1980
1980 ambient assessment-air portion / 1981
1985 baseline point source load inventory 1993
1987 Symposium on Stationary Combustion Nitrogen Oxide Control : New Orleans, Louisiana, March 23-26, 1987 / 1987
1990 OTC NOx baseline emission inventory 1995
1992 natural gas vehicle challenge : EPA emissions and fuel economy testing. 1992
1992 Pesticide and Nitrogen Sampling Program and Five Year Summary 1993
1996 compliance report : acid rain program. 1997
1997 compliance report : acid rain program. 1998
1998 compliance report : Acid Rain Program / 1999
2007 Great Bay Organic Nitrogen (PON and DON) and Light Extinction (PAR) Monitoring Program. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2008
2008 National Emissions Inventory : review, analysis and highlights / 2013
2010 Chesapeake Bay Eutrophication Model. 2010
4-aminopyridine : pesticide registraton standard / 1980
5, 6-dihydro-2-methyl-1, 4-oxathiin-3-carboxanilide (carboxin) pesticide registration standard. 1981
A biologic indicator for air pollution / 1979
A comparison of nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) rates in seagrass communities dominated by Thalassia Testudinum and Halodule Wrightii / 1988
A comparison of oxidation ditch plants to competing processes for secondary and advanced treatment of municipal wastes / 1978
A compilation of SO2 and NOx continuous emission monitor reliability information ; prepared by James W. Peeler ; prepared for Louis R. Paley ... [et al.]. 1983
A computerized bibliographic literature information system for total human exposure monitoring research : project summary / 1988
A crossover design study to evaluate the effectiveness of appliance inspection and servicing for lowering indoor nitrogen dioxide concentrations / 1988
A decision support framework to facilitate nitrogen load reductions in Long Island Sound (LIS) watershed / 2006
A field study to compare performance of stainless steel research monitoring wells with existing on-farm drinking water wells in measuring pesticide and nitrate concentrations / 1998
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