Main Title |
Quality Assurance and Quality Control Practices for Rehabilitation of Sewer and Water Mains. |
CORP Author |
Jason Consultants International, Inc., Washington, DC.; Battelle Memorial Inst., Washington, DC.; National Risk Management Research Lab., Edison, NJ. Water Supply and Water Resources Div.; National Risk Management Research Lab., Cincinnati, OH. |
Year Published |
2011 |
Report Number |
EPA/600/R-11/017 |
Stock Number |
PB2011-108659 |
Additional Subjects |
Pipelines ;
Maintenance ;
Water supply ;
Sewerage ;
Quality control ;
Pipes(Tubes) ;
Leakage ;
Nondestructive tests ;
Linings ;
Inspection ;
Thickness ;
Tensile strength ;
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
PB2011-108659 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
67p |
Abstract |
The report provides an overview of how QA/QC issues have been handled in North America for trenchless rehabilitation technologies. Section 1 provides an overall background on current and historical practices for inspection and QA/QC of trenchless rehabilitation projects, including definitions of key terminology. The issues discussed include qualification testing (done to confirm suitability for a particular application), design considerations for these often proprietary technologies, the impact that the technologies have on the traditional QA/QC model for engineering projects (i.e., construction observation roles), and the level of emphasis placed on the QA/QC of the completed works versus more traditional replacement or new construction techniques. |