Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog
RECORD NUMBER: 15 OF 78Main Title | Building with low-emitting materials and products: {microform} Where do we stand? / | |||||||||||
Author | Tucker, W. Gene. | |||||||||||
CORP Author | Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Air and Energy Engineering Research Lab. | |||||||||||
Publisher | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory, | |||||||||||
Year Published | 1990 | |||||||||||
Report Number | EPA/600/D-90/106 ; AEERL-P-664 | |||||||||||
Stock Number | PB90-262817 | |||||||||||
Additional Subjects | Indoor Air '90 Conference :--1990 :--Toronto, Canada ; Construction materials ; Furniture ; Building codes ; Environmental engineering ; Emission ; Air pollution abatement ; Ventilation ; Indoor air pollution ; Stationary pollutant sources ; Air quality | |||||||||||
Holdings |
Collation | 9 p. ; 28 cm. | |||||||||||
Abstract | The paper gives three examples of material and product selection criteria, proposes emissions criteria for judging the acceptability of products, and discusses future directions in product testing for prevention of indoor air quality (IAQ) problems. One way to help ensure good IAQ is to use materials and products with low emissions of substances that can cause health or comfort problems. Over the past several years, research and development of product testing procedures and exposure prediction models have produced useful tools for evaluating the acceptability of building materials, furnishings, and other products used in buildings. Emission testing and prediction of occupant exposures has recently become a key step in the design of some major office building projects. |
Notes | Caption title. "Presented at the: Indoor Air'90, Toronto, Canada, 7/28-8/3/90." "EPA/600/D-90/106." |