Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental engineering)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1981 National Conference on Environmental Engineering proceedings of the ASCE Environmental Engineering Division speciality conference, Marriott Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, July 8-10, 1981 / 1981
1982 National Conference on Environmental Engineering : proceedings of the ASCE Environmental Engineering Division, Specialty Conference, Sheraton Ritz Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 14-16, 1982 1982
1983 National Conference on Environmental Engineering proceedings of the ASCE specialty conference, Hilton Harvest House, Boulder, Colorado, July 6-8, 1983 / 1983
1992 proceedings 38th Annual Technical Meeting : Nashville, Tenn., May 3-8, 1992 / 1992
1994 proceedings education for technical excellence : 40th Annual Technical Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 1-6, 1994 / 1994
1998 Annual book of ASTM standards Water and environmental technology. 1998
A comparison of runoff quantity and quality from two small basins undergoing implementation of conventional and low-impact-development (LID) strategies : Cross Plains, Wisconsin, water years 1999-2005 / 2008
A dictionary of civil, water resources & environmental engineering / 2013
A management assistance study for the Environmental Protection Branch of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources / 1974
A new insight to emergy by means of set theory : theoretical and applicative aspects / 2012
A paradigm for environmental management / 1976
A program strategy for envrironmental management in Pakistan / 1990
A report to U.S. Department of Labor on training and employment of work incentive clients for use in the training and employment of people for environmental service occupations. 1977
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors, documentation for the coal sulfur variability data base and analytical program / 1980
A study of environmental monitoring and information systems. Final technical report. 1972
Abatement and pollution control training and educational programs / 0
Abstracts 1992
Abstracts of industrial NPDES permits 1986
Abstracts of industrial NPDES permits 1989
Achieving environmental goals the concept and practice of environmental performance review / 1992
Active research projects report, National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio : a compilation of descriptive summaries of intramural and extramural research projects, July 1, 1971-June 30, 1972. 1972
Active research tasks report, National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio : a compilation of descriptive summaries of intramural and extramural research, development and demonstration tasks, July 1, 1972-June 30, 1973 / 1973
Acts of God, acts of man 1977
Addressing Environmental Engineering Challenges with Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2001
Advances in waste-to-energy technologies / 2019
Air and pollutant movement in buildings can be evaluated using CO as a surrogate / 1990
Air cleaners and indoor air quality. / 1988
Air pollution control and waste incineration for hospitals and other medical facilities 1990
Air pollution control technology : an engineering analysis point of view 1978
Air Pollution Engineering Research at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1992
AL and the Environment: Knowledge-Based Tools for Environmental Decision Makers. 1991
Alabama Water-Resources Spectrum. 1972
Alternative control techniques document : NOx emissions from process heaters / 1993
An American Solution for reducing carbon emissions : averting global warming, creating green energy and sustainable employment / 2009
An approach to ensuring quality in environmental software. 1998
An approach to environmental organization change and manpower planning in the State of Ohio / 1972
An evaluation of the National Eutrophication Survey data, 1977
An investment decision model for control technology / 1972
An SAB report : future issues in environmental engineering : report on future issues and challenges in environmental engineering and technology by the Environmental Engineering Committee. 1995
Analysis of engineering alternatives for environmental protection from thermal discharges / 1973
Analysis of Full-Scale SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor) Operation at Grundy Center, Iowa. 1987
Analysis of IAQ Control Options and the Effects of Sources and Sinks. 1991
Analytical Studies for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Volume V. Manpower for Environmental Pollution Control. 1977
Analyzing the environmental impacts of water projects; 1973
Annual book of ASTM standards. Section 11, Water and environmental technology. 1983
Annual book of ASTM standards. Section 11, Water and environmental technology. 2009
Annual report / 1975
Annual report, innovative technologies progress, fy 1991 - fy 1992 / 1993
Applications of Expert Systems in Environmental Engineering. 1988
Applications of small unmanned aircraft systems best practices and case studies / [electronic resource] : 2019
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