Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Comparison of a Modified VOST Sampling Method to Method 0030.
Author McGaughey, J. F. ; Bursey, J. T. ; Merrill, R. G. ; Jackson, M. D. ; Johnson, L. D. ;
CORP Author Radian Corp., Research Triangle Park, NC.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Lab.
Publisher Dec 93
Year Published 1993
Report Number EPA-68-D1-0010; EPA/600/A-94/097;
Stock Number PB94-176633
Additional Subjects Air pollution sampling ; Chemical analysis ; Field tests ; Charcoal ; Stationary sources ; Emission factors ; Statistical analysis ; Analytical techniques ; Design criteria ; Sample preparation ; Test methods ; Validation ; Bias ; Quality assurance ; Precision ; Reprints ; Volatile organic compounds ; EPA Method 0030 ; VOST(Volatile Organic Sampling Train) ; Anasorb 747 ; Spiking ; Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB94-176633 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 12p
A laboratory and field test were performed to select and evaluate possible replacement sorbents for sampling volatile organic compounds in stationary sources using SW-846 Method 0030. On the basis of laboratory results, Anasorb 747 was selected for testing in the field using dynamic spiking procedures. This modification of the VOST method uses a single tube containing Anasorb 747 that is preceded by two tubes containing Tenax. The modified VOST method was compared in the field with the VOST method using traditional adsorbents. Both the VOST and modified VOST used a quadruple probe and four similar sampling trains, using the same certified compressed gas cylinder as a source of test compounds. As a general observation, the recovery and precision of most compounds is improved by using the modified VOST procedure.