Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
3-year quality assurance report for calendar years 1999, 2000 and 2001 : the SLAMS PM2.5 Ambient Air Monitoring Program. 2004
3-year quality assurance report for calendar years 2008, 2009, and 2010 PM2.5 ambient air monitoring program. 2014
3-year quality assurance report for calendar years 2011, 2012, and 2013 PM2.5 ambient air monitoring program. 2015
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
A test method for the measurement of methanol emissions from stationary sources / 1994
Adjustments to the HUD National Survey Dust Data for Section 403 analyses : final report / 1996
An investigation of the fuel economy effects of tire related parameters / 1980
An Operator's guide to eliminating bias in CEM systems. 1994
ASSESS 1.01A (3 1/2 Inch Diskette) (for Microcomputers). 1991
ASSESS 1.01A (5 1/4 Inch Diskette) (for Microcomputers). 1991
ASSESS User's Guide. 1990
Characterization of tire wear particulates / 1981
Clayton Dynamometer-to-road tire rolling relationship / 1978
Comparison of a Modified VOST Sampling Method to Method 0030. 1993
Comparison of VOA compositing procedures 1995
Computer Program for the Determination of Most Probable Number and Its Confidence Limits. 1993
Determination of Total Organic Halide in Water: A Comparative Study of Two Instruments. 1990
Effects of Sampling Design Parameters on Block Selection. 1992
Effects of Vertical Resolution of a Regional Photochemical Model on the Diurnal Ozone Concentrations in the Planetary Boundary Layer. 1995
EPA method study 39, Method 504, 1,2-dibromoethane and 1,2 dibromo-3-chloropane in water by microextraction and gas chromotography {Microfiche} 1988
Evaluation of New in-Facepiece Sampling Procedures for Full and Half Facepieces. 1989
Evaluation of Potential Confounding Factors in Sediment Toxicity Tests with Three Freshwater Benthic Invertebrates. 1994
Evaluation of the High Volume Collection System (HVCS) for quantifying fugitive organic vapor leaks 1995
Field Evaluation (First) of VOST and SemiVOST Methods for Selected CAAA Organic Compounds at a Coal-Fired Power Plant. 1997
Field Evaluation at an Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing Facility of VOST and SemiVOST Methods for Selected CAAA Organic Compounds. 1997
Field Test of a Generic Method for Halogenated Hydrocarbons: A VOST Test at a Chemical Manufacturing Facility. 1994
Field Test of a Generic Method for Halogenated Hydrocarbons: SemiVOST Test at an Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing Facility (May 1997). 1997
Field Test of a Generic Method for the Sampling and Analysis of Halogenated Hydrocarbons Listed in Title III of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. 1993
Field Testing to Complete Validation of a Manual Method for High Levels of Phenolic Compounds. 1997
Guidelines for statistical analysis of occupational exposure data : final / 1994
Influence of Model Design on Comparisons of Single Point Measurements with Grid-Model Predictions. 1993
Influence of Vertical Resolution on the Diurnal Ozone Concentrations in a Regional Photochemical Model: A Preliminary Study with Window RADM. 1994
Laboratory Evaluation of Method 0050 for Hydrogen Chloride. 1993
Limits of Uncertainty of Environmental Measurements. (Using as an Example, the Dichotomous Particulate Sampler). 1990
Measurement error and misclassification in statistics and epidemiology : impacts and Bayesian adjustments / 2004
Performance measures and standards for air quality simulation models / 1979
PM-PEMS measurement allowance determination : final report / 2010
Potential Bias from Non-Continuous Monitoring of Ambient Ozone Concentrations for Characterizing Hourly and Daily 7- and 12-Hour Average Concentrations. 1993
Preliminary evaluation of the Scitec MAP-3, Warrington Microlead I, and Princeton Gamma-Tech XK-3 portable x-ray fluorescence spectrometers 1994
Preparation of the Components of the Modified Method 5 (Method 0010) Sampling Train for Analysis by SW-846 Method 8270. 1993
Round-Robin Evaluation of a Test Method to Evaluate Indoor Air Emissions from Dry-Process Photocopiers. 1997
Sample Representativeness: Implications for Administering and Testing Stated Preference Surveys. Proceedings of a Workshop held at Resources for the Future, October 2, 2006. 2008
Sediment sampling quality assurance user's guide / 1985
Small-Sample Properties of Odds Ratio Estimators Under Multiple Matching in Case-Control Studies. 1990
Standard operating procedures for lead in paint by hotplate- or microwave-based acid digestions and atomic absorption or inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry / 1991
Statistical Method for Detection of a Trend in Atmospheric Sulfate. 1995
Study of the Social and Economic Impact of Odors. Phase II. 1971
Tire rolling resistance measurements at initial inflation pressures of 45 PSIG and 26 PSIG / 1978
Tire test variability / 1978
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