Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Aerial Photographic Tracing of Pulp Mill Effluent in Marine Waters.
Author Burges, Fred J. ; Jame, Wesley P. ;
CORP Author Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Dept. of Civil Engineering.
Year Published 1970
Report Number FWQA-WP-00524; EPA-WQO-12040-EBY; 06258,; 12040-EBY-08/70
Stock Number PB-198 232
Additional Subjects ( Water pollution ; Spent liquors(Pulping)) ; ( Paper industry ; Water pollution) ; ( Aerial photography ; Water pollution) ; Kraft paper ; Sulfate pulps ; Pacific Ocean ; Detection ; Sampling ; Computer programs ; Mixing ; Concentration(Composition) ; Coasts ; Remote sensing ; Water pollution detection
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-198 232 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 165p
Aerial photography taken of waste plumes from Kraft pulp mill ocean outfalls was shown to be an effective tool in the study of waste disposal sites. This technique is not limited by sea conditions and permits monitoring and evaluation of outfall sites throughout the year. Photography taken at one instant provides comprehensive information throughout the waste field. Manpower requirements and costs for this method are considerably less than for conventional boat sampling surveys. Field studies were conducted on the waste plumes from Kraft pulp mill ocean outfalls at Newport and Gardiner, Oregon and Samoa, California. Waste concentrations were measured by conventional boat sampling techniques while aerial photography was taken of the outfall area from altitudes ranging from 3,000 to 11,000 ft. Computerized procedures were used to compute water currents, waste concentrations, toxicity zones and diffusion coefficients from the photography. The maximum concentration determined over the outfall for each field study was generally less than that shown to have a detrimental effect on young salmon for a 14-day exposure. Surface water current was found to be the dominant factor in the resulting plume pattern. During periods of low current velocities in the receiving water, the hydraulic head created by the effluent source was a significant factor in the resulting plume shape. The steady state form of the Fickian diffusion equation and unidirectional transport velocity was not applicable to the majority of the observations. (Author)