Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Marshes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparative study of salt marshes of the Coos Bay Estuary / 1976
A comparison of the effect of application of crude petroleum to marsh plants and to oysters. 1950
A description and critique of soil and water conservation programs in Washington County, Wisconsin / 1982
A Natural system for wastewater reclamation and resource enhancement : Arcata, California. 1993
Ability of salt marshes to remove nutrients and heavy metals from dredged material disposal area effluents 1977
Above- and Belowground Emergent Macrophyte Production and Turnover in a Coastal Marsh Ecosystem, Georgia. 1984
Adaptation of Aquatic Microbial Communities to Pollutant Stress. 1988
Additional evidence in regard to freshwater inflow to San Francisco Bay under natural conditions 1987
Aerial photography and ground verification at power plant sites : Wisconsin power plant impact study / 1985
America's wetlands : our vital link between land and water. 1988
An approach to improving decision making in wetland restoration and creation / 1993
An Approach to improving decision making in wetland restoration and creation / 1992
An Interim process evaluation of the AEES "living machine" : Frederick County, Md. / 1996
An investigation of potential environmental hazards at Tinicum National Environmental Center, Philadelphia and Delaware Counties, Pa. / 1986
An SAB report : ecological impacts and evaluation criteria for the use of structures in marsh management / 1998
Anaerobic Substrate Tolerance in'Sporobolus virginicus' (L.) Kunth. 1984
Applicability of the Interceptor Waterway Concept to the Rookery Bay Area. 1973
Application of Ecological and Economic Models of the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise to the Delaware Estuary. 2010
Aquaculture systems for wastewater treatment : an engineering assessment / 1980
Aquaculture systems for wastewater treatment : seminar proceedings and engineering assessment / 1979
Artificial Microbial Ecosystem for Determining Effects and Fate of Toxicants in a Salt-Marsh Environment. 1977
Atlas of national wetlands inventory maps : Chesapeake Bay. 1986
Atlas of national wetlands inventory maps for New Jersey 1984
Biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in saltwater marshes of Lavaca Bay, Texas. 1975
Cannon Beach : wooded wetlands for wastewater treatment. 1993
Carolina Bays : a natural wastewater treatment program. 1993
Characterization of Groundwater Discharge to Hampton Harbor. 2003
Chesapeake Bay : introduction to an ecosystem. 1982
Chesapeake Bay baseline data acquisition : submerged aquatic vegetation report. 1978
City of Hampton tidal marsh inventory / 1975
City of Newport News and Fort Eustis tidal marsh inventory / 1977
City of Virginia Beach marsh inventory / 1976
Classification and floral relationships of seaside salt marsh soils in Accomack and Northampton counties, Virginia 1985
Coastal wetland restoration bibliography 1997
Color-Infrared Aerial Photographic Interpretation and Net Primary Productivity of a Regularly Flooded North Carolina Salt Marsh. 1968
Common marsh plant species of the Gulf coast area : final report / 1978
Community Respiration of Decomposing Plants in Oregon Estuarine Marshes. 1984
Comparison of in-vitro and in-situ degradation of 14C-Fenvalerate in tidal marsh sediment / 1984
Comparison of Rain-Related Phosphorus and Nitrogen Loading from Urban, Wetland, and Agricultural Sources. 1981
Conceptual Ecosystem Model of the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. 1996
Conceptual Model of the Galveston Bay Ecosystem. 1993
Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and wildlife habitat : 17 case studies. 1993
Contribution of Fungi to Biodegradation of 'Spartina' and Other Brackish Marshland Vegetation. 1972
Cretaceous Ponds, a Unique Area on Staten Island, New York. 1976
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 1. 1996
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 3. Project Summary. 1996
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Phase II Early Restoration Plan and Environmental Review. 2012
Degradation of Malathion by Salt-Marsh Microorganisms. 1976
Delaware River estuarine marsh survey A report to the National Foundation RANN program. 1973
Demonstration of Littoral Zone Habitat Restoration Alternatives (Designs) Adjacent to an Industrial Waterway. Gandy Bride, Tampa Bay, Florida. 1996
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