Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Regional air pollution study, point source methodology and inventory /
Author Littman, Fred E.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Southerland, James.
CORP Author Rockwell International Corp., Thousand Oaks, Calif. Science Center.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Waste Management, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
Year Published 1974
Report Number EPA 450/3-74-054; EPA-68-02-1081
Stock Number PB-246 638
OCLC Number 44966595
Additional Subjects Air pollution ; Inventories ; Regional planning ; Sources ; Combustion products ; Measurement ; Data recording ; Accuracy ; Sulfur dioxide ; Carbon monoxide ; Particles ; Hydrocarbons ; Nitrogen oxides ; Missouri ; Metropolitan areas ; Data acquisition ; Point sources ; Saint Louis(Missouri) ; Regional air pollution study
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EKBD  EPA-450/3-74-054 Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC 09/08/2000
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 450-3-74-054 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
ERAD  EPA 450/3-74-054 Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA 01/28/2013
ESAD  EPA 450-3-74-054 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 03/23/2010
NTIS  PB-246 638 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 45 p. : ill., facsims, 1 map ; 28 cm.
An emission inventory constitutes the starting point for any attempt to control emissions to the atmosphere. As long as such controls deal with average yearly concentrations, inventories giving total annual emissions of the various sources of pollutants are sufficient. The Regional Air Pollution Study has, however, as its first goal the validation of atmospheric dispersion models, which attempt to predict ambient pollutant concentrations on an hourly basis. Therefore, emission values derived from total annual emissions are largely inadequate, and the RAPS emission inventory was conceived to provide the needed time resolution and accuracy by measuring and recording hourly emissions. Thus, the emission inventory for the Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS) at St. Louis is distinguished from existing emission inventories by two factors: its time and space resolution and its accuracy. This report proposes an approach to the problem of assembling a 'precision' inventory for the St. Louis Interstate Air Quality Region. It states the nature of the problem and the rationale for choosing the St. Louis area as a 'test chamber' the pollutants of interest are also discussed briefly. The mechanism for the acquisition of data and their preparation prior to entry into a data bank, as well as a time schedule to accomplish these aims, are also described.
EPA Project Officer: James Southerland. Prepared by Science Center, Rockwell International for the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. "October 1974." Final report. Includes bibliographical references. "EPA-450/3-74-054." PB 246 638.