Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1957 Inventory Municipal and Industrial Waste Facilities (1957). Volume 6. region VI. Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota. 1958
1962-1967 summary of monthly means and maximums of pollutant concentrations : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks 1969
1965 data tabulations and summaries. 1969
1967 data tabulations and summaries, St. Louis. 1969
1968 data tabulations and summaries : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks : St. Louis 1969
2001 Environmental Conference at the Lake. 2001
303(e) basin plan for the Central Missouri River basin 1976
303(e) basin plan for the Little Missouri River basin 1976
50 Pb : early history of the Lead Belt / 1985
A base line study of the Missouri River : Rulo, Nebraska to mouth near St. Louis, Missouri : a report submitted to the Department of the Army, Kansas City District, Corps of Engineers, for the period of 1 January 1973 to 31 August 1974 / 1974
A comprehensive program for control of water pollution : Missouri drainage basin / 1953
A cost evaluation of alternative air quality control strategies / 1974
A Handbook for habitat evaluation procedures / 1977
A key to Missouri trees in winter : an identification guide / 1990
A Lagrangian photochemical air quality simulation model : adaptation to the St. Louis - RAPS data base, volume I, model formation / 1979
A Lagrangian photochemical air quality simulation model : adaptation to the St. Louis - RAPS data base, volume II, user's manual / 1979
A proposed streamflow data program for Missouri / 1970
A regional air pollution study (RAPS) preliminary emission inventory / 1974
A study of emissions from 1967-1974 light duty vehicles in Los Angeles and St. Louis / 1974
A study of emissions from 1975-1979 light-duty trucks / 1980
A study of the urban heat island over the Saint Louis metropolitan area / 1967
A virus-in-water study of finished water from six communities / 1975
Accumulation of mercury by fish of the Little Piney River and Mill Creek : completion report / 1976
Administrator's awards program : Region 7 pollution prevention projects summary : successful models of innovative pollution prevention activities / 1992
Administrator's awards program : Region 7 recycling projects summary : successful models of innovative recycling programs and activities / 1991
Aerosol analysis for the regional air pollution study : interim report / 1978
Aerosol Analysis for the Regional Air Pollution Study. 1981
Aerosol Research Branch annual report FY 1976/76A : Federal Interagency Energy/Environment Research and Development Program / 1977
Aerosol source characterization study in St. Louis : trace element analysis / 1980
Affordability analysis of lead emission controls for a smelter- refinery / 1989
Air Monitoring Milestones: RAPS' Field Measurements are In. 1978
Air Pollution Over Greater St. Louis. 1978
Air pollution regulations in state implementation plans : Missouri / 1978
Air pollution report, Federal facilities : Metropolitan Kansas City Interstate Air Quality Control Region / 1971
Air pollution transport in street canyons / 1973
Air Pollution: Air Pollution Pilot Study. (Pollution Atmospherique Rappaport Final - Etude Pilote de Pollution Atmospherique). 1974
Air Pollution: Assessment of Air Quality in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Appendix B. 1973
Air quality assessment of particulate emissions from diesel-powered vehicles / 1978
Air quality data from the national air surveillance networks and contributing state and local networks / 1968
Air Quality, Public Information and Transportation Strategies. 1977
Airborne LIDAR Raps studies, February, 1974 / 1976
Airport emission inventory methodology / 1974
Altered hydrology of the Missouri River and its effects on floodplain forest ecosystems 1982
Alternative usages of wetlands other than conventional farming in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska / 1992
Alternatives to Secondary Sewage Treatment Offer Greater Improvements in Missouri River Water Quality. 1972
Ambient monitoring aloft of ozone and precursors near and downwind of St. Louis / 1977
Amphibians and reptiles of Missouri 2000
An approach for determining levels of concern for unregulated toxic compounds from mobile sources / 1981
An effective point source model for a large urban complex to estimate concentrations of air pollutants at meso-scale distances : technical report / 1973
An estimation of river towboat air pollution in Saint Louis, Missouri / 1976
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