Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Water pollution by fertilizers and pesticides.
CORP Author Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Environment Committee.; Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Water Management Policy Group.
Publisher Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ; [OECD Publications and Information Centre, distributor],
Year Published 1986
Report Number OECD 654
OCLC Number 14517274
ISBN 9264128565; 9789264128569
Subjects Agricultural pollution--Government policy ; Fertilizers--Environmental aspects ; Pesticides--Environmental aspects ; Groundwater--Pollution ; Animal waste--Environmental aspects ; Nitrates--Environmental aspects ; Organisation de cooperation et de developpement conomiques ; UE/CE Etats membres ; Pollution de l'eau ; Engrais ; Deungemittel ; Pestizid ; Wasserverschmutzung ; Landwirtschaft
Additional Subjects Water--Pollution ; Agricultural pollution ; Fertilizers--Environmental aspects ; Pesticides--Environmental aspects
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJBM  TD428.A37W37 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 12/14/1990
EJEM  TD427.F45W38 1986 OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC 02/08/1991
Collation 144 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
" ... produced for the Environment Committee of the OECD by its Water Management Policy Group"--Page 3. Includes bibliographical references.
Contents Notes
This study reflects the growing consensus among experts whose viewpoints were not always the same that some changes in agricultural practices are necessary to limit the environmental costs to society.--Publisher's description. pt. 1. Fertilizers and animal wastes. Overview of the situation -- Nitrate leaching from areas of intensive crop production : the role of synthetic fertilizers -- Nitrate and phosphorus pollution by animal waste -- Pollution of the water resource system : problems experienced including health issues -- Preventive measures to reduce nitrate pollution within the agricultural sector -- Water management measures to minimise the impact of nitrate pollution on drinking water -- Policy development : guiding principles and available instruments -- Research needs -- pt. 2. Pesticides. Occurrence of pesticides in the aquatic environment -- Potential problems in current use patterns -- Pesticide regulation -- Pesticide production and use -- Possible future developments in the field of pesticides -- Research needs.