Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 40
Showing: Items 1 - 40
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pestizid)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of pesticides in food and environmental samples / 2008
Aquatic mesocosm studies in ecological risk assessment / 1994
Banned : a history of pesticides and the science of toxicology / 2014
Before Silent spring : pesticides and public health in pre-DDT America / 1975
Bioassays with arthropods / 2007
Biodegradation of pesticides / 1982
Biomarkers of human exposure to pesticides : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals at the 204th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, August 23-28, 1992 / 1994
Carbamate pesticides : a general introduction. 1986
Chemical pesticides : mode of action and toxicology / 2004
Chemistry of pesticides / 1983
DDT, Silent spring, and the rise of environmentalism : classic texts / 2008
Determination of pesticides and PCBs in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1982
Ecotoxicity of chemicals to amphibians / 1992
Environmental fate modelling of pesticides : from the laboratory to the field scale / 1996
Environmental fate of pesticides / 1990
Fate of organic pesticides in the aquatic environment; a symposium sponsored by the Division of Pesticide Chemistry at the 161st meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., March 29-31, 1971. 1972
Handbook of toxicity of pesticides to wildlife / 1984
Mass spectrometry of pesticides and pollutants. 1973
Metabolic maps : pesticides, environmentally relevant molecules, and biologically active molecules / 2001
Organophosphorus pesticides: organic and biological chemistry / 1974
Pesticide formulations, 1973
Pesticide management and insecticide resistance / 1977
Pesticide regulation and the Endangered Species Act / 2012
Pesticide resistance : strategies and tactics for management / 1986
Pesticide waste management : technology and regulation : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals at the Fourth Chemical Congress of North America (202nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society) New York, New York, August 25-30, 1991 / 1992
Pesticides and freshwater fauna, 1971
Pesticides and neurological diseases / 1982
Pesticides and politics : the life cycle of a public issue / 1987
Pesticides in agriculture and the environment / 2002
Silent spring revisited / 1987
The biochemical mode of action of pesticides / 1974
The biochemical mode of action of pesticides / 1984
The chemistry of organophosphorus pesticides / 1982
The Effects of pesticides on human health : proceedings of a workshop, May 9-11, 1988, Keystone, Colorado / 1990
The future role of pesticides in US agriculture / 2000
The Pesticide question : environment, economics, and ethics / 1993
The use and significance of pesticides in the environment / 1979
Thiocarbamate pesticides : a general introduction. 1988
Toxic injustice : a transnational history of exposure and struggle / 2015
Water pollution by fertilizers and pesticides. 1986

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