Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog
RECORD NUMBER: 29 OF 418Main Title | Applicability of land disposal restrictions to RCRA and CERCLA ground water treatment reinjection superfund management review : recommendation no. 26. | |||||||||||
CORP Author | Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. | |||||||||||
Publisher | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, | |||||||||||
Year Published | 1989 | |||||||||||
Report Number | OSWER Dir 9234.1-06; OSWER-9234.1-06 | |||||||||||
Stock Number | PB91-921332 | |||||||||||
Subjects | Hazardous wastes--United States | |||||||||||
Additional Subjects | Superfund ; Waste management ; Hazardous materials ; Ground disposal ; Waste disposal ; Pollution regulations ; Ground water ; Water pollution control ; Best technology ; Remedial action ; Performance standards ; Injection wells ; Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response ; Land Disposal Restrictions ; Management reviews ; Resource Conservation and Recovery Act | |||||||||||
Holdings |
Collation | 5 pages ; 28 cm. | |||||||||||
Abstract | The directive discusses whether or not ground water contaminated with restricted RCRA hazardous wastes, which is extracted during RCRA corrective action or CERCLA response action must meet the best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) identified for that waste under the RCRA land disposal restrictions (LDRs) prior to each reinjection. The directive explains EPA's interpretation of whether the LDRs are applicable or (under CERCLA response actions only) relevant and appropriate to such reinjections or to the remediation as a whole. |
Notes | "Dec. 27, 1989." Microfiche. |