Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ground disposal)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"No migration" variances to the hazardous waste land disposal prohibitions a guidance manual for petitioners : draft / 1992
A plain English guide to the EPA part 503 biosolids rule / 1994
Applicability of land disposal restrictions to RCRA and CERCLA ground water treatment reinjection superfund management review : recommendation no. 26. 1989
Application of Phase IV Land Disposal Restrictions to Newly-identified Mineral Processing Wastes; Regulatory Impact Analysis. 1998
Background Document for Analysis of the Land Disposal Restrictions, Phase IV: Underground Injection Data and Issues. 1998
Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land Disposal Restrictions: Newly Identified Petroleum Refining Wastes (Final Rule). 1998
Bioremediation in the field. 1990
Capacity Analysis for Land Disposal Restrictions, Phase IV. Newly-Identified Toxicity Characteristic Metal Wastes and Mineral Processing Wastes, (Final Rule): Technical Background Document. 1998
CERCLA compliance with the RCRA toxicity characteristics (TC) rule Part 2 / 1991
Choices for conservation : Resource Conservation Committee final report to the President and Congress, July, 1979. 1980
Comparative Evaluation of Two Extraction Procedures: The TCLP and the EP. 1991
Comparing risks from low-level radioactive waste disposal on land and in the ocean : a review of agreements/statutes, scenarios, processing/packaging/disposal technologies, models, and decision analysis methods / 1989
Comprehensive Sludge Study Relevant to Section 8002(g) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976. 1979
Construction and demolition waste landfills / 1995
Control technologies for defunct lead battery recycling sites : overview and recent developments / 1992
Decision-maker's guide to solid waste management, Volume II. 1995
Decision-makers guide to solid waste management. 1989
Developing a state resource conservation and recovery program / 1979
Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the landfills point source category. 2000
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the landfills point source category. 1998
Development of BDAT Standards for RCRA Wastes. 1991
Development of risk assessment methodology for municipal sludge landfilling. 1989
Development of risk assessment methodology for surface disposal of municipal sludge / 1990
Developments in Chemical Treatment of Contaminated Soil. 1992
Economic analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the landfills point source catagory. 1998
Economic analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the landfills point source category. 1999
Effects of Sewage Sludge on Di- (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate Uptake by Plants. 1989
Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Effluent Guidelines for the Landfills Point Source Category. Volume 1. 1998
Environmental regulations and technology : control of pathogens and vector attraction in sewage sludge (including domestic septage) under 40 CFR part 503 / 1999
EPA activities and accomplishments under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act : fourth quarter, fiscal year 1986 through fiscal year 1987. 1987
EPA activities under the Resource conservation and recovery act of 1976 : Annual report to the President and the Congress, fiscal year 1978. 1979
Federal Register: February 19, 1993. 40 CFR Part 257. Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge; Final Rules 1993
Final : Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for spent potliners from primary aluminum reduction-K088 / 1996
Geotextiles for drainage, gas venting and erosion control at hazardous waste sites / 1986
Guide to field storage of biosolids : and other organic by-products used in agriculture and for soil resource management / 2000
Guide to technical resources for the design of land disposal facilities. 1988
Guide to the Federal Part 503 Rule for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge. 1993
Identification and Description of Mineral Processing Sectors; Technical Backgrond Document; Final. 1998
Identification of cost factors for the ocean disposal alternative for low-level radioactive waste / 1985
Land disposal restrictions as relevant and appropriate requirement for CERCLA contaminated soil & debris. 1989
National Sewage Sludge Program. 1993
National survey of hazardous waste generators and treatment, storage, disposal, and recycling facilities in 1986 : hazardous waste generation and management. 1991
Overview of Metals Recovery Technologies for Hazardous Wastes. 1990
Part 503 implementation guidance. 1995
Performance evaluation at a long-term food processing land treatment site / 1990
Petroleum Refining Process Waste Listing Determination Proposed Rule Response to Comments Document, Part 4. 1998
Plant Uptake of Non-Ionic Organic Chemicals from Soils. 1988
Plant Uptake of Pentachlorophenol from Sludge-Amended Soils. 1990
Plant Uptake of Sludge-Borne PCBs. 1990
Preliminary risk assessment for bacteria in municipal sewage sludge applied to land. 1991
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