Abstract |
On November 22, 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, the Agency) proposed a rule to prohibit the land disposal of the final third of the schedule of restricted hazardous wastes, known as the Third Third (see 54 'Federal Register' 48372). The proposal outlined treatment standards and effective dates of prohibition for these wastes as well as for some First and Second Third 'soft hammer' wastes, characteristic wastes, certain waste groups (e.g., multi-source leachate, radioactive mixed waste), and newly listed wastes. The proposed rule was issued pursuant to the 1984 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The Agency requested public comment on the proposal. The regulated community, environmental organizations, trade associations, State and Federal agencies, and concerned citizens submitted over 300 written letters on the proposed rule. EPA developed three volumes of a comment response document. This document (Volume 2 of 3) presents a summary of and responses to capacity-related comments received by the EPA docket clerk in response to the proposed rule. The comments have been divided into 17 chapters, each addressing specific comment categories. This volume contains Chapters 8-12. These chapters discuss mercury wastes, other metals, F, K, U, and P wastes, KO48-KO52 wastes, and deepwell injected wastes. |