Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Waste utilization)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Risk assessment of waste oil burning in boilers & space heaters : final report. 1984
Advacate-Low-Cost Process for SO2 Control. 1992
Alternative treatment of organic solvents and sludges from metal finishing operations / 1983
An analysis of composting as an environmental remediation technology. 1998
Analysis of Eight Facilities: Operating and Cost Data for In-Vessel Composting. 1989
Arsenic and mercury : workshop on removal, recovery, treatment and disposal : abstract proceedings / 1992
Background Document for Third Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions. Final Rule. Third Third Waste Volumes, Characteristics, and Required and Available Treatment Capacity. Volume 1. Executive Summary. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. 1990
Background Document for Third Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions. Final Rule. Third Third Waste Volumes, Characteristics, and Required and Available Treatment Capacity. Volume 2. Chapter 3. 1990
Background Document for Third Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions. Final Rule. Third Third Waste Volumes, Characteristics, and Required and Available Treatment Capacity. Volume 3. Chapter 4. Appendix A-Appendix I. 1990
Background Document for Third Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions. Final Rule. Third Third Waste Volumes, Characteristics, and Required and Available Treatment Capacity. Volume 4. Appendix J-Appendix M. 1990
Beneficial Reuse of Foundry Sand: A Review of State Practices and Regulations. 2002
Beneficial Uses of Paper Mill Residuals for New York State's Recycled-Paper Mills. 1995
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for inorganic pigment wastes : final. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for U and P wastes and multi-source leachate (F039) volume C: nonwastewater forms of organic U and P wastes and multi-source leachate (F039) for which there are concentration-based treatment standards : final. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for U and P wastes and multi-source leachate (F039) volume E: gaseous U and P wastes : final. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for U and P wastes and multi-source leachate volume A wastewater forms of organic U and P wastes and multi-source leachate (F039) for which there are concentration-based treatment standards : final. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for U and P wastes and multisource leachates : volume D: reactive U & P wastewaters and nonwastewaters / 1990
Biosolids recycling : beneficial technology for a better environment. 1994
CERCLA waste capacity assurance. / 1990
Chemical reclamation of scrap rubber / 1984
Chemical reclamation of scrap rubber / 1983
Co-Firing of Solid Wastes and Coal at Ames: Stoker Boilers. 1985
Coal-fired power plant ash utilization in the TVA region / 1980
Coal/D-RDF (Densified Refuse Derived Fuel) Co-Firing Project, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. 1985
Comparison of Air Pollutant Emissions from Vaporizing and Air Atomizing Waste Oil Heaters. 1983
Comparison of Five Solidification/Stabilization Processes for Treatment of Municipal Waste Combustion Residues. Part 1. Physical Testing. 1991
Comparison of Solidification/Stabilization Processes for Treatment of Municipal Waste Combustion Residues. Part 2. Leaching Properties. 1991
Composition and management of used oil generated in the United States. 1984
Composition and Management of Used Oil Generated in the United States. Appendix. 1984
Compost : new applications for an age-old technology / 1997
Conference on Recycling Treated Municipal Wastewater through Forest and Cropland : prepared for Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency : [papers] / 1974
Control of PCDD/PCDF Emissions from Refuse-Derived Fuel Combustors. 1990
Conversion of sewage sludge to oil by hydroliquefaction / 1984
Coprocessing of Fossil Fuels and Biomass for CO2 Emission Reduction in the Transportation Sector. 1993
CPU-400 Pilot Plant: Integration and Operation. 1981
Current Status of ADVACATE Process for Flue Gas Desulfurization (Journal Article). 1992
Current Status of ADVACATE Process for Flue Gas Desulfurization. 1991
Cut Waste to Reduce Surcharges for Your Dairy Plant. 1988
Cutting the Waste Stream in Half: Community Record Setters Show How. 1999
Data Collection and Analyses Pertinent to EPA's Development of Guidelines for Procurement of Highway Construction Products Containing Recovered Materials. Volume I: Issues and Technical Summary. 1981
Demonstration of acceptable systems for land disposal of sewage sludge. 1985
Determination of dioxin levels in carbon reactivation process effluent streams / 1984
Development and Demonstration of a Pilot-Scale Debris Washing System. 1991
Development of Criteria for Utilization of MWC Residues in Construction Applications. 1994
Development of Government Procurement Guidelines for Construction Products Containing Recovered Materials. 1979
Development of Risk Assessment Methodology for Municipal Sludge Incineration. 1990
Development of risk assessment methodology for surface disposal of municipal sludge / 1990
Don't let your next conference go to waste : go for the "green" : planning environmentally sound conferences. 1994
Effects of using sewage sludge on agricultural and disturbed lands / 1983
Emission assessment of refuse-derived fuel combustion : suspension firing / 1985
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