Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title The urban food revolution : changing the way we feed cities /
Author Ladner, Peter.
Publisher New Society Publishers,
Year Published 2011
OCLC Number 709681578
ISBN 9780865716834; 0865716838
Subjects Urban agriculture ; Sustainable agriculture ; Local foods ; Food supply ; Urban health ; Stadt ; Lebensmittelversorgung ; Stadtische Landwirtschaft ; Nachhaltigkeit ; Hallbart jordbruk ; Narproducerade livsmedel ; Livsmedelsfeorseorjning ; Urbant jordbruk
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ESAM  S494.5.U72L32 2011 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 08/26/2013
Collation xi, 291 pages : illustrations, map, portraits ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 259-273) and index.
Contents Notes
What's the matter with food? -- Past forward to local? : let's be real -- Preserving rural agriculture land for food production -- Converting urban and suburban lands for growing food -- Agriculture as the new golf : farming as a development amenity -- In praise of technology -- Economic sustainability : making the economics of agricultural urbanism pay -- Economic development through urban agriculture : chasing the local job dream -- Rebuilding the lost food-producing infrastructure -- Less "waste," more soil -- Starting young : healthier local food in schools, colleges and universities -- Farmers markets and CSAs : making the most of direct sales -- Growing community with community gardens -- Getting food to hungry people -- Ending food deserts -- Is local food safe? -- What we can do : systemic changes, personal choices. "Our reliance on industrial agriculture has resulted in a food supply riddled with hidden environmental, economic and health care costs and beset by rising food prices. With only a handful of corporations responsible for the lion's share of the food on our supermarket shelves, we are incredibly vulnerable to supply chain disruption. The Urban Food Revolution provides a recipe for community food security based on leading innovations across North America. The author draws on his political and business experience to show that we have all the necessary ingredients to ensure that local, fresh sustainable food is affordable and widely available. He describes how cities are bringing food production home by: growing community through neighborhood gardening, cooking and composting programs; rebuilding local food processing, storage and distribution systems; investing in farmers markets and community supported agriculture; reducing obesity through local fresh food initiatives in schools, colleges and universities; and ending inner-city food deserts. Producing food locally makes people healthier, alleviates poverty, creates jobs, and makes cities safer and more beautiful. The Urban Food Revolution is an essential resource for anyone who has lost confidence in the global industrial food system and wants practical advice on how to join the local food revolution"--Publisher's website.